Ned is the Captain to steer the STEEMIT Ship to Market..!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago


I am sure that yesterday's shock announcement from Dan resigning took quite a few by surprise.

I for one was stunned a little, however I fully understand and respect Dan's decision to leave.

Taking an idea and making it happen under challenging conditions is always a difficult task but I strongly believe that what we have here is potentially a World Class Platform.

I wish Dan great success in his new adventures and will reiterate what I have said all along and that both Dan and Ned are pure geniuses to be the first to see the potential of combining Social Media with a Cryptocurrency.


Where we go from here is totally up to us in the Community and I for one are looking at growing what has been achieved in the first year.

What STEEMIT needs to do I believe is to take itself to Market and I strongly believe that Ned as the Captain is the right man for the job.

It may seem a daunting task but if the Community believes in the product, and they believe in Ned, this will be a walk in the park.

I am sure after Dan made his decision to leave that Ned felt the weight on the whole World on his shoulders and this is only natural.

However if we all got behind him and extended our full support then Ned's job to steer the STEEMIT Ship will be made a lot easier.


With our First Birthday just around the corner now is a great time to begin taking this Platform to market with some clever marketing strategies driven by the users.

Having third parties sell a product is one thing but having users who use the product sell it will always give you better results.

As the coming days, weeks and months pass I strongly believe that with the wind from the Community behind the sails, Captain Ned will steer the STEEMIT Ship on a steady course to Market..!!

Thanks again for reading.



Sounds like a familiar story doesn't it! 'Satoshi Nakamoto' left us with Bitcoin & we seen 0r see what has happened, nothing but $uccess!
Now @dan leaves STEEMIT so @stephenkendal Yes, it is up to all of us to play a part if we choose to see $uccess, with Bitcoin being the dominate model for us to follow.
Great work on this post - Resteemed ;)

AWESOME..!! Thank you. I appreciate the support. Stephen

Don't worry, Lady Fortune is watching over @ned at the helm as SS Steemit steems on ....!!

Ned has one great asset. People like him. In business this holds so much weight. Ned is the right man for the job. I have every confidence in him. Thanks for watching over him lady fortune. ;) ;) Stephen

There is no doubt that @ned is now the brand of Steemit. But as my old boss once said: "You don't get strong if you don't lift heavy weights." @ned has a heavy weight to lift in the coming months, but I have no doubts that he has the charm and strength to do the job! Steem on! "ONWARDS!! ...."

I totally agree that we have something amazing and worthwhile here, and now it's up to @ned and the community to take it to a broader audience. And who better to do that than the very users who've already experienced this community.

I could not have put this any better myself. Thanks for the support. Stephen

I am sure after Dan made his decision to leave that Ned felt the weight on the whole World on his shoulders and this is only natural.

Really? I'm of the opinion of..

Careful for what you wish for, because you just might get it.

I don't know what kind of private in-house disagreements everyone had. I suspect Dan had many differences of opinion, and the wish and thought was probably had by a few "if Dan wasn't here, imagine what we could do". While that's true, you could do a lot more, careful for what you wished for, because it could not go exactly as you planned. See this movie link on

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