As we work on the Steemit Presentation for The London Investor Show on Friday, I thought I would share with you a draft of the opening Introduction to the Presentation.

in #steemit7 years ago

Presenting #Steemit at The London Investor Show - Friday 20th October 2017

London Investor Show Presentation.png

Draft Introduction

As we work on the #Steemit Presentation for The London Investor Show on Friday, I thought I would share with you a draft of the opening Introduction to the Presentation which lasts 3 minutes.

....Start of the Draft


• Good afternoon everyone, my name is Stephen Kendal and today I am joined by Dylan Leighton, Matt Starkey, Ashley Peat and Tomas George and today we are going to talk to you about #STEEMIT and #STEEM.


• As you can see from the slide we are all users on #STEEMIT and today we are going to talk to you about SOCIAL MEDIA, BITCOIN, BLOCKCHAIN, CRYPTOCURRENCIES, #STEEMIT & #STEEM and why we believe #STEEM the cryptocurrency running on the #STEEM Blockchain is set to revolutionise the future of Social Media and Capital Related Markets.

• For the ones unfamiliar with BITCOIN, BLOCKCHAIN, CRYPTOCURRENCIES, #STEEMIT & #STEEM, hopefully this short presentation into this fast-emerging technology and methodology in Capital Markets will give you a brief insight into the future.


• The presentation will last approximately 30 minutes and will consist of 4 Parts:

o Part 1 will be a brief look back at the EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA and the migration in the future from a Centralised System to a Decentralised System.

o Part 2 will be a short introduction to #STEEMIT and #STEEM made by Dylan, who will take you through #STEEMIT as a Blogging Tool, how it works and how the #STEEM CRYPTOCURRENCY is utilised within the Community.

o Part 3 will be a brief insight into the #STEEM Cryptocurrency as an Investment Case made by Matt, who will take you through the mechanics of purchasing #STEEM and the expected returns you would be looking to make.

o Part 4 will be an open Questions and Answers Session where we look forward to hearing what you think, what you would like to know more about and any other queries or parts of the presentation you would like us to focus in on.




o In order to appreciate where we are heading, you have to look back at the origins of Social Media and for this I take you back to the mid 1990’s and the birth of Chat Rooms.

o From here, we then adopted Mobile Txt (SMS) Messages in the late 1990’s and from here we saw the creation of the likes of: Friends Reunited, Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, which was then quickly followed by the birth of the Smart Phone in 2007 and Instagram in 2010.

o All of these systems are operating from a Centralised Environment with now over 2.8 billion people on the planet using Social Media.

o Blockchain Technology, Bitcoin’s underlying technology which was created in 2008 and effectively saw the birth of the Next Generation of the Internet will see these archaic Centralised Systems be replaced by a Decentralised System.


o The fundamental difference between existing Social Media Sites and #STEEMIT, is that #STEEMIT has effectively no Shareholders and in reality, each and every one of the Content Creators are essentially a Shareholder in their own right.


• So, without further to do, I would like to hand you over to Dylan who will now take you through #STEEMIT and #STEEM.


• Thank you Dylan.


• I would like to now hand you over to Matt who will take you through #STEEM as an Investment Case.


• Thank you Matt.


• Hopefully those short introductions into #STEEMIT and #STEEM have given you a brief understanding of the System and we look forward to to hearing any questions you may have.

....End of the Draft

Please Register for your Free Complimentary Ticket

Once again, I am very grateful to be given the opportunity by The London Investor Show to showcase #Steemit and at the same time being offered free complimentary tickets worth £25.00 to users on #Steemit.

If you are available on the day please register for your free complimentary ticket.

Please register at using the code: STMT2017.

Conference Room 1


London Investor Show Speakers.png

Speakers Bios

Stephen Kendal

Dylan Leighton

Matt Starkey

The presentation will be made by Dylan @Anarcotech, Matt @Starkerz and myself with Ashley @AshleyPeat and Tomas @TomasGeorge supporting the Audio and Video and Project Managing the event.

Reaching out for your support

As our way of saying thanks, I have agreed that we will do whatever we need to promote The London Investor Show on #Steemit and I am reaching out for your support to help us achieve this goal.

Promoting The London Investor Show on #Steemit is a small price to pay for us in return for the opportunity we have been given to showcase the platform.

Once again, if you could share this link as a support for The London Investor Show for giving us this great opportunity it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading.



Fantastic article Stephen! High quality and well structured. I cannot wait for the show this Friday!

Cheers Ashley.

Hopefully we can all make a Skype Group Chat tomorrow at 8pm (Tuesday) to finalise any bits and pieces.

If you get a few minutes, can you take a look at the Blog I have just published rehearsing the Introduction. When I talk fast I can get it down to under 3 mins, as I know we are on a tight program.

Also in the Blog are 3 other videos from The London Investor Show 2014, 2015 and 2016 which will give you a flavour of what we should expect to see on Friday, if you haven't already seen them.

Sometime tomorrow I will email over the "Question and Answers Slides" that we will have as back up should we need them in the Q&A Session.

Once again Ashley, thanks for taking the initiative to contact The London Investor Show and thanks for all your hard work you have done so far in making this a reality.

I am sure we will all have a great time on Friday.


Shared on twitter. Stephen

Thanks for your efforts to spread the news!

Shared on LinkedIn. Stephen

¡El Evento de los Inversores!

I will be waiting to ask questions for these comments


@stephenkendal great presentation. It is done ina way that people with no knowledge in technology can understand it. Hope your presentation goes great and that it brings many new people to the steemit community. This is a true quality post that deserves not only an upvote, but a resteem too. just did both. Regards, @gold84

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