Steemit crowd is increasing, but the Upvoting count is Decreasing why?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Exactly 6 months ago, it was a golden time for steemit users. Since the platform was new all users used to considerable amount of upvotes and views. And their each post used to make more than $100 as the minimum and the maximum of $5000. But now everything got changed.

As this platform becoming popular more than 10k new users are signinup every week now. And boats came into the picture, in fact, there are more interactive booths than real users. You can see many posts have more upvotes than the number views it got.

Bots are ruling

Human interaction became less, everything is owned by bots now. Previously, when there was no bots everyone used to make real interaction and they used to give away real genuine upvotes. Now People who has more auto upvoting bots following are getting more upvotes irrespective of the content and irrespective of the views. This is very serious issue that steemit should control.


Now many people are buying upvotes from the paid voting bots. When you roll back the steemit time there were no paid voting bots 7 months back. I guess some how these bots are helpful for standing out from the massive crowd.

More users More spam

As the new users are added every day some new users are spamming on other posts by spam commenting. It was very less few months back, now it has been increased massively. If you check any whale post you will at least 5 to 6 spam comments like '' upvoted, upvote me back its''. Increasing steemit user base is a good thing, but they should know some things like what to do and what not to do before they use this community.

Need more mods to control spam on

There are very few mods are available on, now people are spamming like anything on both popular channels namely general and post promotion channel. At least one to two mods should be online 24/7 to control these spam activities.

I think steemit should develop some new tools to deal with massive crowd. As it is still beta i guess more beautiful tools will come up with it's full version.

Let's me know your opinions on this issue in the comments. Friendly discussions are welcome. Thanks for reading. Steemon.

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yeah really sad to see how this is going ... I m not a fan of steemvoter & co ... you upvote posts that you didn t read , and in my opinion , that is not what steemit is made for ... But well there are a lot of people that are here for the money and not for the community .

Nicely said bro. Steemit should control this issue. Or else it can't compete with other social media platforms like facebook and twitter.

I agree with your opinion. Before it wasn't so many bots

Thanks. :-)

Good perspective, I'm still getting a grip on everything that is going on. You make a lot of good suggestions, ty, peace

Thank you very much. Appreciated :-)

Yes I do agree with you. This platform should be for real people only not for bots.

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