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RE: The distribution-monetary rewards tradeoff and a proposal to accelerate the disruption of incumbent social networks

in #steemit8 years ago

Here are a few points to consider:

I suggest to anyone on Steemit to familiarize themselves with why Steemit has been borne out of creativity, necessity and a vast experience in the crypto world by Dan Larimer.

I have spent most of the time in the last few weeks since I discovered Steem on finding out who Dan is and what his vision is.

Some of what I found I will write about in a post down the road.

People on here should be aware of his foresight in many aspects that make the entire cryptoshpere vulnerable. Those that are part of it since many years know too well what I'm talking about.

However, Steemit is not only a possible tool for market domination wrestling with incumbents - or being another little David that is trying to go into the ring with Goliath - it is much much more than that from my little perspective over here.

Any questions about growth should involve quality vs. quantity issues. Especially in the cryptosphere everybody is aware of the "51% vulnerability" effect for lack of better terms. We are just witnessing in a parallel ecosystem what the Ethereum community is going through. Let us learn from this. Any how many do know Dan's history as far as DAO's are concerned and his thoughts on that.

Influencers: I do not see any reason why a true influencer should need any core code alteration to adjust Steemit to whatever success he/she seeks as an influencer. Especially not if it's tied to monetary goals vs. altruistic goals. Nobody has any problem if an influencer decides to publish on Steemit first and then republish on networks that are not comparatively effective in monetary terms.

Steemit has already a vast range of different types of contributors and community members ranging from tech savys, geeks, intellectuals, alternative lifestyle promotors, investors, traders, anarchists etc. etc. - this is a live experiment that will likely be as successful as the algorithmic or technological framework allows it to be.

The social, psychological, political as well as marketing impact consequences this will have is something we're in the middle of experiencing.

Most people are not used to be surrounded and somewhat affected by bots and especially if they don't even know that there is a "bot-war" going on in the background.

So in conclusion to not turn this comment into a post section I am very appreciative that so many great minds are participating in communications about what kinds of constructive actions could be undertaken while at the same time we all have to be aware that the distributed blockchain allows for the most discrepant philosophies to armwrestle either to the benefit or the detriment of the community.


Nice post. It comes down to being a matter of what the goal is. If the goal is to grow as quickly as possible as fast as possible (as is the case with most startups), this approach makes a lot of sense imo. As many have highlighted in the comments though, that might not be the goal and there are strong arguments for not tweaking and letting this happen organically with existing incentive structure.

I do not think that the goal of the creators of this distributed blockchain platform was to grow with a specific pace in mind. But I will write about that at a later point from what conclusions I have come to from my research. Steemit has the potential to provide mass-adoption to the crypto world while solving many problems that are industry-intrinsic. Do not forget in case you don't know that Dan was not only one of the first people to interact with Satoshi but he also has a history with what Buterin has created via Ethereum - which is now being adopted with billions of dollars from pretty much EVERY bank on the planet in light of the disruption phase they are all in.

Not speaking of all kinds of other segments that are being disrupted. Nobody knows yet who will be the winners after it's all said and done. The people or those that gave us FIAT. Read the previous sentence a few times if you like ;-)

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