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RE: Is Unfollowing another Steemian considered insulting?

in #steemit6 years ago

I may like someone's content and they may not like mine...that's ok to me. It works both ways. I follow some that don't follow me and vice versa. I don't look at these extra sites with extra info other than steemworld which tells me where my voting levels are up to. I feel sometimes too much info can be a negative distraction. I always look down someone's blog before following. People are bound to unfollow sometimes so it seems best to be hardened to it rather than get upset at all. If I were to be upset about such a thing I would take it as a sign that I need to have a break and take a walk in the woods or something like that.


Its not reciprocal at all and this is the same for me, I follow some who don't follow me and the other way is quite extreme as I have 5x followers than who I follow.

Yes...that raises another point. When I see someone following thousands of people I assume they will never see my posts and generally have less interest in reading the posts of others. More selective people seem to be more interesting to me.

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