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RE: Adjust Your Expectations: Steemit Is Designed as a Lottery

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Well, steemit just needs some more big fish, rather than only very few whales. Now you need luck to have one of the big whales recognizing your work. But once you get recognized and your stuff is high quality they will find you mor often. Once there will be more fig fish, quality will be recognized earlier and earn in average what it deserves. But - there is no system in this world without corruption, even in democratic systems. This way it will never be 100% fair but quality will win. I appreciate people like you who care about quality. Thanks for this post.


Thank you!

Maybe the long term solution is to have more people investing real money into the system, buying Steem Power, and making the founders rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Or maybe the price will tank hard and anyone who invests in it will loose their shirts big time.

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