Everything You Need To Get Started Quickly With Steemit- Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

Content Curation

_Content_curation_ refers to its ability to @upvote and flag (due to abuse) content on the Steem network. Healing content does not pay much but it's a good way to get started as you learn about @Steem and members of the Steem community. You are now logged in to Steemit.com (and, therefore, the Steem network). At the top left, you will see the word "trends" and an arrow down. Click on that and you'll see that there are 5 different views you can select to filter new content.

  • home
  • new
  • hot
  • trending
  • promoted


If you think a blog entry is useful, make a blog entry at the bottom of the post by clicking the up arrow. If you think it is abusive, hit the flag in the upper right. Their votes are public information - they are permanently engraved on the Steem block chain. But do not worry! When you raise someone, you do not spend your own money. To curating (upvoting and flagging) you are actually getting paid by the Steem system (with newly coined @Crypto-currency) to decide who should be paid. Healing rewards are paid only at Steem Power. Keep in mind that the power of your vote decreases after each vote. So do not throw lots of votes at a time. Extend them. You can check your current voting power at Steemd.com/@YOUR-USERNAME. In the left column, search for "voting power". The closer the number is to 100%, the greater the remaining power in your next ballot. The upward value of content that has already reached its first payment (see below, approximately 24 hours after publication, sometimes more) still pays the author but pays zero rewards. I can not overestimate the importance of good productive behavior in the Steem network. It is still small. Powerful users (high-SP) ~ known as whales and dolphins (see below) ~ are paying attention. You will not gain your support (upvotes) if you engage in non-constructive behaviors.

Create A Blog Post

Content creation includes top-level blog posts and comments on those posts. Create items that people like and can @upvote you. Get enough upvotes from people who are holding steem power and you will gain @cryptocurrency. Engage in abuse (a fuzzy concept whose definition continues to evolve) and your message will be hidden. Your reputation (see below) may also be affected. To create a blog entry, click "Submit a story" in the upper right of Steemit.com. Top-level posts have a title, body and up to 5 tags. You can use the @Markdown format (very simple and easy to learn) in the body and now there is a WYSIWYG editor that you can activate by clicking on the word "Editor" between the title and body text boxes. Labels are an important part of every publication because they allow new readers to find you. Here is an interesting analysis of the best paying labels on the net. The most popular tags are also on the right side of the homepage at Steemit.com. You can use up to 5 labels per publication and a maximum of two hyphens per label. Definitely leave the small box marked "Upvote post" in its default position. It will not give you much of a boost in the beginning but you need to get the upvotes started in some way.

License:-  CC-BY-SA license. You can even sell this. But you may not remove this license section.

Thanks to:-  @georgedonnelly 

Image Source: 1

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