Are You A Steemit Taker, Matcher or Giver?? Don't Be Shy!! Let's Face The Music.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

  • Where do you fall on this chart below?
  • Have you always been this way?
  • Do you want to stay this way?
  • How do you think others view you now?
  • How important is it to help others and show respect?

The bottom line is that Steemit needs more Givers and less Takers. It's easy to recognize a Taker, and it's an eyesore to see their one-way activity, but I wonder if that's just how some people are. Egos and Steemit celebrity status aside, we're all people when we look in the mirror, right?

Instead of bitching, here's my wish list for Takers:

  • Answer at least some engaging people when they ask meaningful questions or provide genuine thoughts.
  • Upvote such people to reward their stake in supporting your authorship and the Steemit ecosystem.
  • Develop rapport with some regular commenters you like, follow them, and [gasp] proactively support their blogs.
  • Create more win-win dynamics to help Steemians mature and learn on your platform.
  • Respect and encourage others with actions. Laziness and neglect won't enhance a hollow high-rep score.

Have anything to add?

I love it when I find an established author that knows how to share their voting weight. They're not even spending their own money, and they actually realize this. It's not practical to upvote or comment on everything, but there's a clear difference when people do or don't at all.

If I didn't acknowledge a good portion of my commenters, I'd feel pretty lousy that I ignored someone who gave me their time and effort to read/comment on me post. Perhaps it's because my blog posts don't get much attention, but my priority is thanking those supported me, and to return the gesture. I put thought and effort into my content, and am simply thrilled that more than one person might see and appreciate it.

I think some people may be blinded by their own success, don't have the time or interest, or simply just give a sh*t -- all rather frowned upon and hurtful to aspiring Steemians who lose hope as a result. I really hope that the minnows who care will have their day to lead by example in a more widespread way so that Takers are more of an afterthought.

I'm curious if anyone else has thoughts on this. Please do share.

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

Thanks for your time!



This is a problem that can be the demise of the network. If minnows don't get to really participate or don't get any attention they will leave. Everyone is chasing upwards but we just as often have to look down.

Essentially Steemit is built on give and take and it's the only way Steemit will get really big. If that's broken Steemit will not develop very successfully

Thanks for your spot on comment. This is one of the first things I noticed when I started using this platform and it hasn't changed. It feels like a pyramid, and that's ok, because I love an old-fashioned challenge, but everyone should exchange respect freely. It's actually the precise reason I haven't invested more than $352 into the site (mostly when the price was $1.52), because I wanted to earn the rest and learn from the ground up. I feel that I'll be able to relate to everyone with respect top-to-bottom, where the habits I developed by earning my way would help me appreciate what others will be going through in the future when Steem is more expensive.

Most people don't have the time, energy, or desire to play Steemit politics or flounder around until a few meaningful win-win relationships can be formed. I fear that this is slowing down the adoption quite a bit, but I'm no expert.

Definitely it's slowing things down. It's very hard to find a crack into the Steemit network. Many of the old timers have been around for a long time and formed their own bonds. Also if they know they will get a big upvote back if they vote on someone they see that as a much better return than to vote for a minnow. I think the curator reward should be increased to atleast 50 percent. For me this would encourage voting. I'd rather have 50 percent of something than 75 percent of nothing

Yeah...but once your have became proficient with Steemit and you see the potential, you should definitely put down (or invest) at least 500 SP worth, would elaborate, but I think you know why (aka Upvotes talks, Bullshit walks......even 10% upvotes).

btw. From experience this trend is going higher, much-much higher, very soon $1 will be the new $0.20 (March 2017 price), once we break the $2 - $2.50 barrier, I don't see Steem coming back to $1 ever.

Also when we hit Alexa 1,900 say by can forget this sweet buying opportunity.

It's 1.40 now and I just loaded up another few K at 1.30.

I will add 50% more if it goes down near $1, no kidding.

Just sharing hope it inspires're a damn good blogger!

Btw can you please help me to upvote a comment I made. It's a competition and the one with the most upvotes on their comments ( vote value doesn't matter) wins.

I know you're asking @steemmatt, but I thought the more support you got the better right? upvote count +1, hopes it helps you win your private competition ;)

Hahah lol yea indeed I seem to be the only one that read that it's also a competition haha

Thanks a lot for your support !

Hahah lol yea indeed I seem to be the only one that read that it's also a competition haha

Thanks a lot for your support !

It's beta, the rules of engagement is still evolving, I notice 3 big changes just stalking around here in the last 6-7 weeks.....and very Big changes they are as well.

Soon there will be a How To Steemit 4 Dummies......just watch. Sometimes the great posters here may not be the best trainers or teachers, someday someone will come in here, figure this shite out, and teach us all how to become like Rep 70 in each of our own style. That day is coming soon....heck that little guy may already have arrived yesterday and just snooping around.

Oh anonymous @dj123, you continue to read my mind but write it down in the blockchain first. Congrats on your investment - I definitely noticed and am glad you got in at a nice entry.

I fully agree that Steem will appreciate in value, but I'm stubborn in wanting to earn almost every stripe (old-fashioned Dad issues?). In a few clicks and one "close my eyes and pray" transfer from offline storage to an exchange to buy enough Steem to play ball on top, it could be a lot easier. But, I'm emotionally attached to my other crypto and like the self-imposed rags-to-riches storyline here, personally.

terrible entry in my opinion, I keep it at a btc exchange for almost 1 month waiting for eos to drop back to $2 to buy in a little more and it never moved (all while Steem was fluxing between 0.90 and $1.10) but when I saw the volume behavior when it hit 1.30 I realize this is not just 1 exchange buying it's daily folks getting in, I realize nah I need to Steem Power this funds and go use it to encourage a few Steemians.

The run up will happen with institutions come knocking, today (Sunday) CBOE and CME officially welcome bitcoin futures, then nasdaq (maybe), then in 1-2 years ETH futures will be introduced.

I say in 5-6 Years Steem futures, especailly if EOS and ETH 2.0 is buggy and can't perform and we get to >5 million users by then.

Don't say nobody told you back in Dec 2017

just me watching your wallet back anonymously....don't trust me just go ask @somealaskaguy about this dj weirdo. :)

note for the record btc futures was approved and then btc started being accumulated form 1K to 17K on Thursday.

That's like if Steem goes from $7 (at the very least this the high end of market value, low end is $1) to $119.

yup >$100 before 1st day of trading.

I agree things are happening incredibly fast here. The structure where everyone can participate and Conteibute allows for this so hopefully many good changes are coming

you all might want to also start hanging around the whaleshares chat on discord a bit more, also sign up for @akrid's bitshares tutorials and present some of your work to get some free tokens to help get some of your posts a bit more exposure! :)

Link #1: Sign up for a free BitShares account

Link #2: Whaleshares live tutorial + 12 whaleshares for attending! Check our calendar to sign up

Hey Steemmatt,

This could be an epic post by itself....your guidances are both great and sound, still there is so much more that can be added, easily a 5 part series here:

  • Answer at least some engaging people when they ask meaningful questions or provide genuine thoughts.
  • Upvote such people to reward their stake in supporting your authorship and the Steemit ecosystem.
  • Develop rapport with some regular commenters you like, follow them, and [gasp] proactively support their blogs.
  • Create more win-win dynamics to help Steemians mature and learn on your platform.
  • Respect and encourage others with actions. Laziness and neglect won't enhance a hollow high-rep score.

Have anything to add?


100% UpVoted :D * u know I'm only saying this to put a sneaky grin on your mug *

also I'll take a think about this and get back to you later.....damn worthy post and adds ballistic value to anyone who's under rep 60, and/or , don't have a 10% and still less than 100 loyal followers

Excellent piece. This is really important especially for those starting. It's really hard to get motivated and continue the passion if there is lack of support or appreciation.

@mickzzz and @steemmatt I am learning as I go here by trying different things myself and learning fro the wisdom of others! Like this post and these comments. So thanks!

Of course. Thanks for your catching this and upvoting others on the comment section. You instantly get major points for that. Following now and will see what your blog is all about.

Thanks @steemmatt. I appreciate this. I Hope you like my work and even become a Blue Rocker!! A Blue Rocker is someone "in the know"! (and subscribes to my YT channel!)
btw: I was the only girl on a boys baseball league for 8 years as a kid! (2nd Base!)

Thank you! Oh, I know the feeling. I've been grinding it out for the love of the game here, and it's only been since August. The irony is that I can immediately skip up to the top by buying the Steem Power, but like I said to @dandesign86, I want to learn the ecosystem from the ground up. It's a short-term setback, but I won't sell out on my long-term strategy, even if it costs me money.

lol...keep your principal and honor your wallet.

buy 10,000 Steem, keep 9500 in your Bittrex Wallet and transfer 500 to powerup here until you 'feel' you have gone from steemit padawan to steem jedi (did I hear rep 60 you say?)

your grandkids will thank you.

*grin *

You've created a slight crack in my resolve in this matter. Hmm, I actually never thought of holding anything more than a few hundred on Bittrex because of security concerns. If Steem can be kept on a wallet somewhere, I'd be a bit more tempted to do that. Or I could be one of the weirdos who uses Steem's Savings Account with way too much money to make sense, but it'd still be staying true to my plan. I will sleep on this.

Download Vessel, create a wallet @steemmatt-savings, pay with 6 Steem from @steemmatt (you get an account with 6 Steem inside), and login into Vessel, transfer your 9500 Steem from Bittrex over to your new wallet on your desktop worth 9506 Steem.

No need to ever login (or expose any of your password to any browser...ever) to check this "offline" wallet. You can transfer Steem from this wallet to bittrex and to @steemmatt whenever you want.

Interesting. Thanks for this tip... never heard of Vessel before. I'll plan to download it and see how it feels. I'd imagine that I'd want to help others with the potential Steem Power, so it might not last long in the wallet. It turns out you can't read my mind after all... I'd go big or go home.

LOL....GBGH Yeah!

that's the Steemy Spirit :D


It's important to give :D

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