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RE: The STEEMU asks "What Are You Blogging About Today?" | E.11 | DROP YOUR LINKS & IDEAS here like mad!! - Pictures - Thoughts - Ideas etc. right here for Community Engagement!! (:
So cute the play of words haha Steemit emu 😭😂 funny story this exact BURD was in a farm next to my house and he was in his little cage, whatever you call it, when I went to see him, and he managed to take off my prescription glasses out of my eyes!!!! I started crying because I was in such shock, there was two emu and both of them started stepping on my glasses. I cried even more lol my 500$ glasses vanished until the farmer came haha🙈😭 crazy story!! I love the sound they make but I hate what they can do😡 Haha ur post reminded me of that! Thanks for sharing the good vibes!!:) Keep it up! 💜👌🏻
You really need to blog about this.
Then share this post back here on this page LOL
AHHAHAHAH I know eh! Too funny to be true😂😂 😏
I am doing the next episode of the Steemu series in a few mins and still have not seen you blog on your emu/glasses story!!!
OH MY GOD DUDE you just made my night I'm dying right now😂😂😂😂👌🏻 Ok I definetly have to write that one and give you a special shoutout as well. You got me there. Like seriously😘😂