SteemPower Publishing - Is this's FIRST paid-for-by-Steem novel?

in #steemit7 years ago

Here’s a project I’ve been interested in for a while and it’s finally coming to fruition.

I have been an Editor for a number of years and I thoroughly enjoy helping Authors achieve their goals – whether that be their first ‘A’ in their University dissertation, publishing their first book or their fifth book, or just improving their writing.

I get to share in their journey and success and I love that part of my job.

The other part of my job is equally satisfying – I get to read stories first – usually right after the writer has finished (hot off the press, so to speak).

When @aubreyfox asked me to help with her stories, I had to be patient for a change. The stories had yet to be written, or completed to the satisfaction of their maker and I’m not used to that. Usually, it’s, “Here, sort this out!” and the file lands in my inbox.

This time, I’ve waited and watched as the characters, plotlines and story developed.

She has looked at many different ways of realising her dream and she has met many obstacles in the process. One of the most difficult obstacles to overcome were the offers (tempting though they were) of contribution-based publishing – a partnership-based royalty contract which includes up-front fees.

It’s basically self-publishing without the benefit of full royalties.

She declined and decided to grab the bull by the horns, put her money where her mouth is and self-publish – scary though that may be.

Aubrey has a distinct disadvantage, she’s dyslexic and suffers ‘word-blindness’. She has always known she’s at a disadvantage where writing and words are concerned, yet she tried not to allow the nay-sayers space in her head to dissuade her from doing what she really wanted to do – write a book.

On Friday, @aubreyfox came to visit and we had a bit of a chat – for almost five hours!

@aubreyfox has written a book – a series of books and she wants to publish her stories.

Instead of editing the book, getting paid by money transfer to my bank, we decided that this is going to be a ‘SteemPowered’ exercise.

We are dealing in ONLY Steem and SBD for all aspects of this self-publishing journey – from the editing through to the formatting and uploading of the book.

If there’s a way to buy the book in Steem/SBD, I’m sure @aubreyfox will be up for that too!

SteemPower Publishing

Today’s Editor’s Tip:

An editor works WITH a writer, not FOR the writer.

What that means is the editor goes through a manuscript with a virtual red pen and marks suggestions and recommendations. It’s then down to the writer to go back through the manuscript and accept, reject or question the suggestions and recommendations.

The editor is not re-writing the manuscript.

That has a dual purpose, making sure the editor has picked up on the ‘Author’s Voice’ and also making certain the entire meaning of the manuscript is clear.

Pictures from Google Images


Good luck with the project. I am also interested in Publishing my own stuff. So I will follow this with interest.

@aubreyfox and I are planning a regular weekly update. I hope our adventures are of interest.

Nice idea, i'm actually looking forward to make a similar project. But, i'm still new here. Hope we follow each other for make ideas that can change the world of writing. I will keep an eye on this. Good luck with it!

This caught my eye only because my daughters name is Aubrey - So glad I read it though because one of my earlier dreams as a young teen was to become a children's book writer. I have a lot of experience in Graohic Design, Drawing, Painting and think I am a decent fictional storyteller - My uncle owns a publishing company - however never persuaded it after college - now with a daughter of my own named Aubrey - and reading books to her and wanting better children's books - This post has just really inspired me to look back into writing, and drawing the artwork for children's books - I will follow your journey and @aubreyfox and hopefully can collaborate some day on a project - especially if Steeemit Publishinb takes off - What. Better way to get paid and also get more female (mothers) using STEEMIT as well as we are currently at 80% men on here. Love the post guys!! Got my vote!

I have voted for you can you vote my comment please .. Thank you dear in advance .

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