
Sure, 97.3% of rancho's voting power in the last 100 days has gone directly to Haejin. If he were to do this for a whole year without getting flagged, eh would give more then 3 millions dollars to Haejin.

I find it hard to believe that a whale chooses to never do anything except up vote Haejin without somehow being involved in the ordeal.

Why would this whale only 100% up vote haejin and that is it.

You can go here to see.

The 8 votes means 8 people.
percentage is the amount of VP given. So if he were to give everyone the same number of votes, he would give them all 20 votes at % voting power. Meaning if he gave all 8 people 20 votes, he would give Haejin 97.3% up votes, he would give himself, .08% of an up vote, and then whatever the others are.

This 97.3% up voting is more than the worst rewardpoolrapists.

So, why would Rancho give EVERYTHING to Haejin, unless he himself is Haejin.

Any other logical conclusions by people?

I agree it is suspect. On the other hand the ranchorelaxo account is older then Haejin's and has waited approx. 6 months before upvoting the crypto blog. To me, its still a possibility that the ranchorelaxo account is owned by a very detached Steemian that has made some succesful trades on Haejin advice and feels obliged to return a favor solely to him.
On a related note, I think the number of followers is unbelievable - literally. A significant part must be automated which is pointing in the direction of either:
-some brilliant long con
-opportunistic change of behaviour after initial succes

However, so far not enough proof for me on the rancho=haejin issue.

But Haejin could have easily bought in Steem earlier in the summer and then took a few months to hatch his plan.

On a related note, I think the number of followers is unbelievable - literally. A significant part must be automated which is pointing in the direction of either:
-some brilliant long con
-opportunistic change of behaviour after initial succes

You can tell from who up votes him and how they up vote him that it is pretty unbelievable. A lot of accounts that circle all around Haejin, giving him 75% or more of their up votes, and some of his hard core followers also raping the reward pool and giving their 98k SP investment output basically just to themselves.

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