Consensus on Steem Equality 0.19.0

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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About two weeks ago we proposed Steem Equality 0.19.0 here and have received a lot of support. We’ve had some great conversations with the community. At this point we believe we’ve reached consensus on the proposed changes and are going forward to implement the proposal. We would like to thank everybody that took the time to be a part of that discussion. It was an overwhelmingly positive experience, even from our critics, and we look forward to continued communication with the community.

There was one small technical detail that we left up for discussion. That was the scaling factor on how much to increase the voting impact. We have chosen to increase it by 4 times. This is the smaller end of the proposed range and it is by far the most supported value. We believe a change is needed, but do not want it to be too drastic. If it turns out this is too much, we can lower the default vote weight on to compensate and bring votes back to where they are today. We can then revert the change in a later hardfork.

The Proposal Process

This is the first time we have tried this proposal process and we are learning as we go. This was a solid first step to establish a process.

One lesson learned was the desire for explanation on the motivation for the changes. Those Steemians following witness discussions understood where these changes were coming from, but not everybody has the time to keep up to date on the ins and outs of the blockchain. Going forward we are going to do a better job of explaining the context and motivation of the changes to help give everybody the context they need to understand the proposal.

Another request was to include more technical details. In future proposals we will continue to have have a high level overview of the changes as we did for Steem Equality. Following that we will have a technical description and analysis for those that are interested. Our goal is to provide the necessary information to all users and to promote accurate discussion of the proposed changes.

Witnesses: Guardians of the Gal^H^H^HBlockchain

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Witnesses are paid positions by the mechanics of the blockchain. Their job is to create the blocks that comprise the blockchain. In addition, they are to ensure that the underlying ruleset—the code for steemd—is robustly engineered, cryptographically sound, and is not fraudulent. (And, of course, to maintain the 24/7 operation of their blockchain nodes.)

Our goal with these proposals is not to have a discussion about which of the features should or should not go in, but whether or not these features represent a security risk or existential threat to the blockchain, most specifically to property rights. While witnesses do have the ability to refuse upgrading their node, the hardfork 'vote' was intended as coordination mechanism rather than a democratic one. We expect that once a release is made, assuming it is robust, secure, and trustworthy, that all witnesses upgrade. The disclaimer to this expectation is that we are not above reproach for the changes we propose and if a change results in a negative outcome we are not above reverting it in a later release.

If a proposed change poses a threat to the blockchain, we not only ask, but expect, witnesses to speak up against the change before implementation. It is our responsibility at Steemit to do thorough research on potential changes and present them to the community in a clear, concise, and coherent manner. That being said, we are listening to community feedback and suggestions. Simply because a suggestion does not make it in this release does not mean that we have written it off. The linear reward curve started primarily as a community suggestion that we agreed with after research.

We are also committed to proposing changes in smaller quantities than in the past. This has multiple benefits. The first is that it isolates changes. Steem is an ecosystem and one small change can ripple through the entire environment. Along with this is the ease at which changes can be reviewed. This includes the proposal itself but also the implementation. Fewer changes results in less code which is easier to review and audit. Less code also means shorter turnaround on the delivery of a release. Our goal is to have smaller, more targeted releases, at a faster rate than we have had in the past. Changing fewer systems at a time means that we can observe recent changes to one system while developing changes to another exclusive system.

In an early draft of Steem Equality there were three or four other changes that were a part of a larger feature set. Because it did not directly affect the curve change we decided to remove it from this release. It may return in another proposal at some point, but we want to address one thing at a time. By the time we get around to that feature set it may not be needed. Including too much at a time causes bloat and unintended side effects that we want to avoid.

The Next Steps

We are currently finalizing a 0.18.3 maintenance release. After that we will work on 0.19.0. Work on the 0.20.0 proposal is already underway and we are excited to share that with you all soon.

Until next time, Steem On!


I am loving the greater explanation and transparency you guys are showing of late. Keep it up!

My one suggestion would be that you guys show some examples of what the changes will bring. For this one, you guys could show what a 100k SP account voting on a "$0" post looks like in terms of rewards given with the current rewards curve. Verses what that same account would give in the new linear model.

Just anything like that would be helpful for people to see examples of what these changes will actually do in practice.

I know I for one am a very visual learner and it helps to see examples. Thanks! :)

Thank you, this is exactly the type of communication we have been asking for. Keep up the good work!

About the voting change, I can see where everyone is coming from, but I'm afraid regular manual curators are going to be affected. I can tell you there are 30 good posts daily from authors who have joined within the last month alone. Most regular curators are making approximately 50 votes per day now, and this is only going to go up as the network grows. Of course, with this change, regular curators can go to 25% strength and give out the same number of votes. But there's a crucial difference - casual curators will vote with 4x as much influence, effectively crowding out the regular curators from the reward pool. I doubt witnesses or developers are aware of the ground realities of deep curation, so I guess curators will simply take a hit. Some of the lesser known - but some of the very best authors - whom only engaged curators can discover will be left behind.

I have a happy solution though - I hope to see whales and Steemit Inc employees delegate SP to the engaged curators who really keep the site organized. That'll nicely compensate for the 4x reduction in curation capacity.

We were just discussing today how to best go about doing that. Quality deep curation is very important.

Glad to hear that!

Another request was to include more technical details. In future proposals we will continue to have have a high level overview of the changes as we did for Steem Equality. Following that we will have a technical description and analysis for those that are interested. Our goal is to provide the necessary information to all users and to promote accurate discussion of the proposed changes.

This is going to be paramount. A clear technical roadmap is essential to many potential investors valuation.

I must compliment you on the excellent commnitcation. You did a thorough job but made it easy for a layman to understand. Thank you!

I agree, they do a pretty good job making these complex economic structures easy to digest. The problem is simplicity is not what is needed for accurate investment at this stage.

Good points here. I like more open communication with community. Thanks.

Thank you for the huge improvement in communication!

"Our goal is to provide the necessary information to all users and to promote accurate discussion of the proposed changes."

It's great to have explanatory posts like this and to continue to improve communication. I think that it would be nice to have a news button or similar where we can instantly get updates and info.

For example the promoted posts feature is still not quite what it was and it would be good to have that explained.

Keep up the great work Steemit is Fabulous and will only get better!

And when it comes to promoted posts. The promoted tab should stay but at the same time have the posts from it integrated to trending - top 1 post from promoted could be on trending 5 spot, top 2 on 10 etc. More eyes on them mean more competition.


This is great news! Apreciate the new way of working. I'm sure, as you do, this will make our community incl Steemit Inc stronger. Also super to read on your decision to release more frequent new HF with lesser features. Chapeau!

Excellent update. Thank you!

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