
Haaaa!! I was just thinking something similar!!! I’ll just keep trying to make some steemy content!!

Great minds! Glad you are along for the ride. These “down” times let you know who is here for the “right” reasons imo.

amid uncountable threats, we keep pushing forward because there is power in our views and beliefs

I’m loving these downtimes tbh. I can haz some moar $0.07 STEEM times, pwetty puh-leaze. Few mega vests more wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Except if there's nobody left to actually read what is written, then it's somewhat useless. The crypto will not gain value if nobody is buying.

As people continue to leave facebook and the rest, there should be a greater push to draw people in, rather than this kind of ambivalence.


Who would be crazy enough to do that?

Also, I am powering down right now. But, not because I've lost faith in crypto or Steemit, I'm not leaving anytime soon. Just need the money to pay some bills/pay for apartment costs since we're moving. Don't know why so many people freak out when the market gets like this. The same shit happens every year and then it recovers and then it just keeps cycling. Just calm your tits, people.

Yea i agree. And I don’t mind what people do but I just see some get really negative on something that is a little place where you can post and make money. What’s not to love.

I think the problems happen when they attach their expectations to it.

Expectations when the alternatives are writing for likes, upvotes, and claps? You got that right.

I don't even know how people come on here with expectations for their content. In my opinion, you kind of need to throw all expectations out the window. You never know what you're going to receive vote/comment/view wise on here, and there really is no way to actually know.

Just calm your tits, people.

No, no. Please don’t keep calm and HODL on. Panic leave and sell, tyvm.

Low price feed is good, more vests for us.

Haha, I just meant more that people need to keep their feelings on this shit to themselves, or complain to friends about it. I don't wanna see dozens of people on twitter/here/reddit all writing about how crypto is dead and we're doomed to be sodomized by a giant volcano god. I get tired of seeing stupid shit like that all the time.

But, yeah. I do agree with you, dude. Not everyone can HODL constantly, otherwise the market wouldn't work :)

Crypto is dead and Apple has been doomed pretty much ever since Steve Jobs returned, right.

Gotta love the voice of the crowd.

You’re totally right. Plz fix, @steemitadventure:

STFU and Bye!


Going to feel like those that sold Amazon at $1,000 per share or worst at $15 in 2000!

They just may.

You could have at least drawn a fancy BYE! You're shit post are getting bad. I love IT!

If youre gonna shit post do it right lol and they weren’t worth the drawing :)


Probably the only one-word post I'll ever manually curate at 100%. You earned it.

This is probably the best one word post I have ever scene. LOL!

Few people amongst those who I am following were talking a big game when I joined steemit. Their SP used to be in tens of thousands back in February. Now its less then mine. A couple of theses people were here since 2016. To see them turn tail and run was more than a little sad.

Guess they weren't able to stomach the bear market. Now I just feel sorry for them.

Hah, good message. I keep reading about a lot of strong accounts powering down and wonder how much they are driving the prices of their cash out lower. Sucks to be them, lol.

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