Steemit Is A Scam

in #steemit7 years ago

Can't make money on Steem you say, yet others make $1000s. Yes there are in fact articles that make more than 1000 steem. Yet for most people posting, your not going to make that money today or any day, in fact only a few do. A quick glance at the trending pages on you start to realize something, most articles that are trending and making the big bucks are completely useless. Four topics seem to dominate crypto news, photography, introductions, and travelogues. Although these sound important they really aren't. There is nothing informative here. The crypto news you will read is mostly useless speculator garbage that will make you no money and is of no help to those new to Bitcoin or veteran investors. The type of articles you get are mostly of the get rich fast variety, you know like the pump and dump garbage you will find trying to sell you penny stocks. These articles tend to make the most money, the comments ,other than the bot's comments, are filled with "thank yous" and "I hope you make more articles" bullshit. Who are they thanking? What did "SteemBitcoinAmigo" help you make thousands of dollars? Ya I didn't think so unless of course the commenter is a follower of said "SteemBitcoinAmigo" but I'll explain that later. Then there is photography and I will admit this one may be somewhat legit but still there are questions unanswered. Half of the so called photography shown is half assed and it's questionable why anyone would upvote. Other photography is really good and gets ignored. So what gives? Most art on Steemit sucks and I should know I've been on Steemit since the beginning, my stuff sucks too. Then there is the famous introductions, steemit's way of verifying the user, people get to know you and trust you. Or so you think? There is no way to verify who you are and why would anybody care who you are is beyond me. Many of these so called introductions work the first time people make a couple hundred bucks but you can't introduce yourself over and over again or can you? The con man always finds a way. Finally but not least is the travelogue, the steemian who traveled to Bali and all his pictures. These do very well. The question that should be asked is why is there so many people traveling the world (all the time). Who lives such a fun lifestyle. Do they live off of the Steem they make? There are so many of these so called travelogues that you have to ask yourself there must be like 10 different Steemians in Thailand on anyday. And why would people upvote this so much. Wouldn't people get tired of Thailand so much.

So by now you might ask yourself what gives with Steemit? Steemit is basically a crypto exchange. To be clear it's a front for an exchange. Just like drug dealers will launder their money through some tourist bank, Steemians make their money by creating posts with the supposedly popular trending topics already mentioned. These Steemians have been on the site since the beginning or have invested in steem with their own money. Once there on steemit they and other fellow Steemians make pools. One of the Steemians in the pool makes a post and then the others upvote. All of a sudden they have a popular post and others soon get involved. Now we have a $1000 post. These pools run the show on steemit and if you're not part of them you're not making any money or steem. Does this sound familiar? It's basically the same thing as a pump and dump in the stock market. There are also the annoying bots which are probably also part of these pools. In fact you may notice after awhile that if you post something to steemit you will rarely deal with real comments. It seems steemians are not interested in conversation just making money, why bother with conversation, that's what bots are for. So if you are new to steemit I'm sorry to tell you Steemit is a scam.

for full article click here:


It's true that there are voting pools and people do self-votings, and these activities are against from the purpose of Steemit, as well as from what they advertise.

However, there're also some people making a reasonable amount of rewards by writing a good article. In that sense, I think it's just a half-working system at the moment.

I hope they make the system better when they launch an official version (you know, it's still in beta period).

Thanks for the feedback. Its been in beta for like almost 2 years now.

Whoo that was deep. were u ticked off writing this i found it very interesting i do agree with you tho upvote for you my friend. worth every $.001 :)

LOL, not really ticked off I've been on Steemit since the beggining. Thanks for the upvote.

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