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RE: Steemit Update [ August 19th, 2024 ] : Steemit Engagement Challenge - Applications Invited for Season 20

in #steemitlast month (edited)

Should we stop giving votes to Diary Game posts...?

Many of the Diary Games votes are given because they are selected as weekly picks by the Community Curators.

cc @cruzamilcar63 @casv @marcybetancourt


Should we stop giving votes to Diary Game posts...?

I'm in favor of deemphasizing them, which it sounds like you're already doing.

In contrast, maybe there's a way you could do something to support meaningful and unique local content that would show up in search engines. I know that some years ago, you had a local news initiative, and I'm thinking along those lines too, but I would extend that even further: write reviews of local businesses, write about public events and sporting activities in a community, etc..

For example, in the previous era of Steem - when we had apps that were intended for "micro-blogging", I ran the @rgkmb-unofficial account where I posted about local high school football games and marching band activities. It didn't get much interest on-chain, but I noticed at the time was that I was apparently the only person in the world that was writing regularly about the "Rustin High School Marching Band". Even with the lack of on-chain interest, web searches for the school brought Steemit to the top of the search engine. I'm fairly sure that Steemit must have shown up in web searches at the time for some number of people in this community.

I don't have anything specific to suggest, but maybe you could find a way to harness that general effect with your voting incentives. If people write about topics that are only of local interest, there's apparently not as much competition for search-engine real estate.

Good ideas re local...

It would be a mistake to get carried away by personal prejudices, the #thediarygame have provided a great oxygen to the platform, there is a good amount of publications related to this tag that exceeds in quality to many publications of other topics, unfortunately many find it difficult to accept diversity, photographers only like pictures, they are bothered by texts and they support themselves by the saying “a good picture says more than a thousand words”, those who love writing do not waste time on entertainment, they say that it does not provide any cognitive benefit, in short, many do not see beyond their tastes.

Imagine, Cristiano Ronaldo's fans have come to say that Messi is a poor player, and vice versa.

What would Boston Red Sox fans say if they were given tickets to see the final of the World Series between the New York Yankees and the New York Mets, I assure you they would tear up the tickets.

By this I mean that, not everyone has the same tastes, much less have “a broad point of view”.

  • It's not fair that all or most votes go towards the #thediarygame, but it's also not fair to take away the endorsement.

The diary as it is no problem but how most are written are. If it comes to good: if these good posts remove the title they wrote a good article.

The main problem with the diary is that the tricks are taught! A time table and run down what you did. To many it is waking up, brushing teeth, breakfast resting on bed, going out with a friend and resting again. Next to that sentences are repeated four times if not more often

A diary with a theme would make a great start and telling the focus has to be on...

I would love to see photo entries or drawimgs or whatever the writer did.

If it comes to writing I am the one who doesn't want pictures spoil my text. It only distracts.

This is how it should be, to encourage improvements, to generate a campaign to motivate newspaper creators not to be specific with their activities, but to generate a vision beyond the everyday, such as highlighting the weather, the transportation situation, an important event, or something like that.

Thanks for the interaction.

It's hard though I see that in knack4buzz no diaries except if entertaining. In this case, it can be: the focus on entertainment or... the writing style (you know like a stand-up comedian) those few posted are a bit better (?) if you try to see/find the entertainment part. 😐

It is possible with some training to get a group of at least 50-100 good diary writers if these people understand what a diary is. Most don't. I wonder who came up with the timetable idea since I've been told my diaries are wrong because they lack them.

yes i think, should be stop to vote diary games , diary games has daily activites content, short and long, but diary post should be weekly, not daily,, my weekly daily ,, not daily diary post, content should be different, food, recipe, outdoor, travel, or informative, daily vote should be given to weekly dairy , 7 days combine diary ,,

Hello steemcurator02!
My point is that, everyone can't do entertaining activities everyday.Most of people have same routine of going to their workplace, taking lunch or night meals so daily reading these things are not entertaining.
If you see my diary games even,then I go to my workplace,my college,take lunch in break or in home and then sometimes do work at laptop and sometimes go to furniture factory so it is really boring for me too to write same things almost 4-5 times in a week.

Rather than focusing on diary games if you would focus on visiting #art , #cooking , #poetry , #creativewriting or #entertainment then it will bring more uniqueness at Steemit by making actual creative content more visible.

When there will be a lot of creative content then it would seek community curators attention also and then they will select that creativity as weekly best picks.

That was my point of view!

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