Support Creative People And Not Only The Financial Experts!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

This article intends to bring more color to Steemit and with it the idea of creating a more attractive trending page in the future.

How many of the people out there are financial experts? Do we really need more of them or do we need a light that shines for those great authors, who heard about Steemit and are visiting the page for the first time?

I for myself am a very creative person and the numbers in all these charts, I see at the top of the trending page, are just numbers for me. Black and white bits talking about how great Steem and the crypto currencies are performing at this point in time. All these numbers do not have any creative expression in itself, they only sound good for most of us or not, whatever the topic is.

When I started on Steemit, I've learned that it is important to support the peoples work by resteeming, voting and commenting their posts. The most things that came up to me all had to do with numbers and the great words of financial experts here on Steemit.

I started resteeming content from some great players, without knowing that this is one reason, why they are always at the top of the trending page and why they are living good by throwing nice sounding statistics at the people. I know that they do good work with posting high quality content and they know the numbers, I'm sure… ^^ But we should think about what the common man wants to see there.

( To the traders, experts & statistic fanatics: You are doing great work and of course should continue sharing what your followers want to see. This is not about attacking you. This is about bringing more color to Steemit ;)

Did you know that there are people on Steemit posting great tutorials on creating beautiful paintings and stuff like that, who often just get ~ 0.75$ for a work that is worth much more in truth?

I decided to show them that I like their work by voting and resteeming their content and I think we all should start doing this daily. Please think about the outcome and you will see that even the numbers will grow by lifting creative individuals, whose value is sometimes not seen here on Steemit!

Of course are the numbers important, especially for holding the trust from other big players at this point in time, but keep in mind, that we are all more than just numbers...

English is not my native language, but I hope my words are nevertheless understandable for you ;)

Let's support the colors we need ~

Thank you!  ~(★.★)~
Made 4 U with ♥


Love this post @steemchiller ~! It's so true people of all expertise comes to Steemit~ Creative people included! Just reminds me I really should take photo of my previous art and design works hahha~ upvote your post to support

Thank you @miss.kat ~ Well said! I like your pictures ~ Keep on sharing your sweet happy face ;)

Will do @steemchiller ! Hope you're having great day recently! I was bedridden outside of work and it was no fun for me lol~

Who deside what a high quality content is ? Is a stats better than a song or a photo wich can touch your heart ? Money rule the world but art is what every one enjoy !
I dount visit the trending page all this statistics are so ........... boring just some numbers on a page ... no feelings , no emotions , not a real story !

Well said ;) It's high quality content in their area... But you are right that it can never be as heart touching as real art!

You can see simular posts for examp about travel or photography , or stats . Posted by diferent people they have biger or non payment . Steemit life is realy hard for the newcomers . They not only have to make a great content but also to fight for attention and with 100 + posts every 10 mint this become harder and harder . For upvoters also become harder because if you ask me i will like to upvote much more people but ........... voting power is not endles :)

This brings up a great point! Good post. Keep on posting quality content and colorful stuff. Steemit needs all of that and the financials as well. Have a great day!

Thanks for your support! I'll do my best for filling Steemit with the colors of my life. Have a nice day ;)

I'm new to all this crypto/steem malarkey and to be honest, I haven't got a clue. There's a lot of jargon that goes way over my head. It does appear (to my untrained eyes) that the financial stuff trends very well on here and I guess there are good reasons for it. I personally decided to give Steemit a go purely because some of the channels I follow (non-financial I hasten to add) on YouTube advised their subscribers to get on board.......... so here I am. The stuff I post probably only interests a very small dedicated number of people and so I readily accept that my stats will always remain tiny in comparison. I'm ok with that though, I'm just happy that I am able to reach to a whole new audience with some of the crazy stuff I've been doing for the past decade. Quality not quantity plus a bit of variety too :)

That's how it should be, quality over quantity! I've you on my list and I voted your nice post about Pine ;)

You'll be heading to the woods now to try it out LOL

I see around a @german-trail , maybe they can support a bit your work and give more views for your posts :)

Nice! Thanks for your support ;)

You are welcome , if you like you can join our challenge and get some SBD . Its not a lot but we all start smal !

Love this post. Upvoted, Resteeming, and Following you now. Agree all the way.

Thanks for your support! So many nice and creative people coming together here. I love this ~ I've added you ;)

Excellent , thank you for posting this. It's always good to see more creative people on here. I tend to upvote mostly photographers and musicians and just artists in general , my vote isn't really worth much , but hopefully I am doing my part for supporting the creative side of steemit.
I've been having mixed feelings about steemit lately (I'll save talking about that for another day), but overall I think it is a great site and has so much potential.

And on the creative side of things , maybe this will be where the new creative renaissance will start , bringing people from all over the world together and sharing their art forms.

And I see there are different 'trail' accounts out there ( @positive-trail , @music-trail , @art-trail ect.) What about a @creative-trail ? Anyways , take it easy and more power to bringing more color to steemit. :)

Great words, thanks for your support! That's what I thought about after I woke up today. We need more balance here and especially the artists need this or they won't be able to fill the Steemit world with their crazy colors.

You're right, there is so much potential in all this! I've never seen a social network which pays the people for being creative and gives them the kind of freedom we have here. Very peaceful world and that shows us, how the world can be when we work together.

:: ~ Maybe someone will hear your idea about @creative-trail ~ ::

Some very interesting points made! I definitely believe that the artistic/creative side of this platform could really use a boost maybe the financial superstars could aid in drawing more attention to it They are probably listening to music as they write their blogs (haha maybe).

I really like what you're suggesting. Supporting the artists on steemit by commenting voting and re-steeming. Much appreciated for bringing this up! As a fellow creator, I sometimes spend 2 weeks crafting a demo of a new tune for openmic (not even a finished copy, that takes wayyy longer) and in the end, sometimes about 40 people vote it, maybe 10 of them actually watched it and I made like a buck haha. It can be a bit discouraging for sure ~

Thanks, yeah they are listening to music while voting up the financial posts. What a nice example... ^^ Getting votes for music surely is even more difficult, because it's more time consuming for the people. Good that you mentioned that, I will check some music in the next days! Added you ;)

Great points. I think with the voting curve change in the next HF (hard fork) we will see smaller user's vote have more weight, which should help what they like get rewarded better than the current setup.

That sounds great news! Thanks for the info ;)

Great post @steemchiller with a great point. I believe everybody deserves support and, being creative myself, it would be nice to be valued more for the time we put into projects - even though we do it for the love of it.

Thanks for your support @gmuxx! That's so well said, I can't put it in words with my "German English"... As I saw on your profile, you're thinking about offering an "English proofreading"-Service for non-native English speakers, like me :) I think, that's a great idea! I will resteem your post and contact you, when I've got some $ and I need your help for improving my English texts ;)

As @jrcornel mentioned before: I think with the voting curve change in the next HF (hard fork) we will see smaller user's vote have more weight, which should help what they like get rewarded better than the current setup.

You have a great command of English already but if there is anything I can help with just ask. I genuinely want to help my fellow steemians - whether or not they can pay right now

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