The difference between a Minnow, Dolphin, and a Whale! 🐟🐬🐳

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

What is the difference between a Minnow, Dolphin, and a Whale?

This seems to be something that is getting popular again on Steemit, and now that we are seeing users with different levels of Steem Power (SP) I wanted to do a post explaining my opinion of each of these levels.

Now if you look on you will see (approx) these levels..

  • Plankton 0 - 500 SP
  • Minnow 500 - 5,000 SP
  • Dolphin 5,000 - 50,000 SP
  • Orca 50,000 - 500,000 SP
  • Whale 500,000+ SP

However there are a lot of fish out there between minnows and dolphins, and I believe once you pass 25 SP you should no longer be considered a plankton, and if you have almost 5,000 SP should not still be considered a minnow..

So this is just my own opinion of the difference between each level!


0-25 SP - Plankton on Steemit are going to be the newbies with little to no Steem Power. When you are a plankton it can seem hard to get upvotes, but if you are consistent and post good content you will build a great following and grow!


25+ SP - Minnows are users that have just enough Steem Power to make a small impact, but usually still do not even have a 0.01 cent vote, however with enough minnows you can still do great things, and start growing great ideas and projects!


500+ SP - Fish on Steemit come in all varieties and usually have joined a larger community of like minded people where even if they only have a 0.10 cent vote can still have enough of an impact that gets your post noticed by other fish or larger users!


5,000+ SP - Dolphins on Steemit have enough Steem Power to boost you to at least $2.50 or more, and with a few of these you can be at the top of the hot page!

Currently according to there are only 1,388 accounts with 5,000 SP or more.

Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 10.12.59 PM.png


50,000+ SP - Orca's can be considered small whales on Steemit, and usually one vote from an Orca can land you at the top of the Hot page, and quickly to the trending page if it is a great article and gets noticed by others!


500,000+ SP - Whale's on Steemit are the big votes, and usually is the reason we see the same people on the Trending Page, whether they are voting for the same user's posts (or even their own posts).. Usually a 100% whale upvote will pay out hundreds of dollars, and if you are fortunate enough to receive an upvote from a whale then definitely keep up what your doing!


I tried to get as close as I could to the accurate levels, but this is still my own opinions for the difference between each of these..

Feel free to let me know what you think, and thanks for checking out this post!!

Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Post - Vote - Earn 🤘😄

Disclaimer: I am not an Investment Adviser, and this is not investment advice. This is for entertainment purposes only!


This is a good one. I wonder what they refer to as well. The problem is says that I'm a plankton and I have 70 SP. Do you have any idea how they categorize users?

I tried to get as close as I could but they have minnow at 500 SP I think..

Here are some badges, but also seem different from others I have seen..


I am a Plankton !! help help ! haha

Well defined..I think I’m minow or plankton..?i have a question this whale are founder of steemit or they are aslo steemit user like us,because sometimes they act like a shark not act like a whale.

Lol 😂
Yes I remember when most of these guys were the only ones swimming around 😉

Damn, I just got downgraded from a minnow to plancton :D

Looks like I need to write myself some whalebait! Easier said than done...

Thanks for the post - really - this is a minefield and something like this is very welcomed.

At the rate I am going, looks like I am going to be a Plankton for a while. haha

Looks like I am on my way to becoming a fish by this chart :).

Thought I was a minnow til I saw this post.

.this is such a great post
.thanks for the info.....your photos help with a piece im currently working on
.so besides the quality info you helped me with my work....thank you 👏

Well, based on Busy, I am still a plankton and that was by far the end of the discussion what we suppose to be on Steemit, but I do have to say I like your levels better.

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