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in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

More downvotes from the slimball @themarkymark! He sure seems to get his back up whenever I mention anything against Porn or Pedophilia.

themarkymark downvote @starworld/q58spm (-1%) 42 minutes ago
themarkymark downvote @starworld/q58sid (-1%) 42 minutes ago
themarkymark downvote @starworld/q58t8h (-1%) 42 minutes ago
themarkymark downvote @starworld/q58j46 (-1%) 42 minutes ago
themarkymark downvote @starworld/q58imn (-1%) 42 minutes ago
themarkymark downvote @starworld/q58foh (-1%) 42 minutes ago
themarkymark downvote @starworld/q57rs0 (-1%) 42 minutes ago
themarkymark downvote @starworld/q57dj0 (-1%) 42 minutes ago
themarkymark downvote @starworld/q57cau (-1%) 42 minutes ago

And to think this scumball is a Steemit Witness. What a real piece of garbage he truly is.

Can Steemit do nothing to terminate his account?


That's not really how this works.

Steemit is just an interface.

Steemit could completely go out of business and the steem blockchain would still be accessible from any number of alternative interfaces, like steampeak or

Marky is a witness, the top 20 witnesses have control of what changes/fixes/updates are made to the functionality of the blockchain.

The witnesses host major nodes.

There are hundreds of witnesses, so even if you sent the top 20 directly to jail, the steem blockchain would still work just fine without them.

Marky is basically like a Senator, or a justice on the supreme court (if there were 20 justices).

You might consider trying to ease back on the ad hominem attacks and accusations.

I've spoken with Marky several times and they seem generally reasonable.

And really, nobody can stop them. So, you're kinda digging your own grave.

Your only chance at all is to try and reason with them calmly.

"Marky is basically like a Senator, or a justice on the supreme court (if there were 20 justices)."

And that speaks volumes as to the cesspool that Steemit has become.

"You might consider trying to ease back on the ad hominem attacks and accusations."

I thought I did that 3 days ago when we started this dialog. But then today, out of the blue, for no reason whatsoever, @themarkymark decided to downvote 9 more of my comments. Now that is a lousy slimball regardless of who he is, or what position he may hold within Steemit. And it is for that exact reason that I am quite confident that Steemit will not survive.

"Your only chance at all is to try and reason with them calmly."

From experience, I have found that it is impossible to reason with vindictive people like @themarkymark, just like trying to reason with Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, or in fact most of the Democrats. They all live in their own little world, devoid of reality or of fair play.

"So, you're kinda digging your own grave."

Not really, because I'm out of here as soon as my power down is completed. I want no part of anything controlled by such jerks, and I think you will find that most Steemit members, past and present, feel exactly the same way.

Eh, ok.

If you got banned anywhere else, you wouldn't even know their username.

And I'm not one to be "judgy", but, calling someone a ped0 is, you know, I don't wanna say, "asking for it", but maybe a little?

What were you hoping to accomplish?

"And I'm not one to be "judgy", but, calling someone a ped0 is, you know, I don't wanna say, "asking for it", but maybe a little?"

I did not call @themarkymark or anyone else a "ped0". If you think I did, show me the actual post.

Maybe this is just some big misunderstanding..?

"Maybe this is just some big misunderstanding..?"

You think so? I find it rather interesting that even as we have been engaged in this dialog trying to get to the bottom of this, @themarkymark has been busy downvoting even more of my posts. And you really think that you can reason with someone like that? Not in a million years! These people are evil to the core, with no sense of fair play. They are truly the scum of the earth.

This is to the line that @themarkymark is referring to...

"Unfortunately because of a few scumbags like the following members, Steemit's days as a viable forum are quickly coming to an end, because it has essentially turned into nothing more than a cesspool of fraud and corruption, controlled by childish members, porn lovers, peadophiles, and other such low-life garbage."

I fail to see anywhere in the above statement, or in the post from which it was extracted, where I actually called @themarkymark a peadophile. Perhaps English is not his first language, but for @themarkymark to think that statement specifically referred to him or anyone else is merely an assumption on his part, but with absolutely no basis in reality. And yes, after @themarkymark brought this to my attention, I even edited my post, taking out the word completely so that there would be no further misunderstanding. But yet, despite my effort to correct this misunderstanding, perhaps due in part to how I structured the sentence, @themarkymark chose to stick to his childish ways and continue to downvote all my posts...even ones which were part of our exclusive dialog which as you know had absolutely nothing to do with @themarkymark or Pedophilia. That is not fair play...that is simply uncontrolled revenge built on hate.

"Maybe this is just some big misunderstanding..?"

Do you honestly think that the downvoting of my 2 most recent posts by @themarkymark and his sidekick @roomservice was also a misunderstanding?

Please look at following posts, and tell me if either of them has violated some rule, unkown to me, or has in any other way justified the continued wrath of @themarkymark and his various puppets.


Marky thinks you called @buildawhale a ped0.

Do you have no idea why they might think this?

"Marky thinks you called @buildawhale a ped0."

What Marky "thinks" has no basis in reality. If you look back through my posts, I do not think you will find anywhere that I called @buildawhale a ped0. In fact, my only reference to "Pedofile" was in my quote that @themerkymark referred to: i.e.

"Unfortunately because of a few scumbags like the following members, Steemit's days as a viable forum are quickly coming to an end, because it has essentially turned into nothing more than a cesspool of fraud and corruption, controlled by childish members, porn lovers, peadophiles, and other such low-life garbage."

Would you please point out exactly where in the above statement, oranywhere else that I specifically called either @themarkymark or @buildawhale a "Pedofile". Furthermore, immediately after this was brought to my intention, and in the interest of a possible misunderstanding, I edited my post, removing the word "Pedofile" completely.

In any event, I find it rather interesting that neither of these 2 members appeared to have taken issue with any of the other descriptive words I used, such as "porn lovers", "low-life garbage", "scumbags", "scumballs", "idiots", "morons", "childish", "fraud", "corruption", "cesspool" and so on. I am sure there are those who will begin to think that there is much more to this than meets the eye.

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