STEEM is Rising: Steemians Are Coming Out of the Floorboards!

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello there,

You probably noticed that finally we have a rising STEEM yet again, and we already hit the $3 value.

Granted that $3 is close to nothing compared to the previous ATH, but the truth is the market is feeling a bit more bullish after taking the beating that led us down to $1 something.

What's the impact this has?

Well, if you have been following everything in the STEEM blockchain you probably noticed that inactivity was at an all time high as well.

Well, prices are rising so guess what? People seem to be coming back...

Read below to see what I think of this...

This Is Why You Are Late For the Party!

Now, here's what's going through most people's mind:

  • Oh Steem is at $8 and people are earning thousands per week? Cool, let's work!

They then proceed to blog and interact... until price drops like it did and it goes 1.5 or something.

Then here's what they think:

  • Meh, what am I doing killing myself with work just to get a couple of tokens that aren't worth that much... I got late to the party...

So, now the price is rising again and they are like:

  • God dammit, price is rising, I'm gonna go make some more and get those tokens!

...Aaaand they resume working.

BUT! Here's the Catch!

While these people were passing through these phases... many of us (albeit the minority) were working constantly.

Steem is at its ATH? Time to work.

Steem dropped to $1.5? No biggie, keep on working.

Steem is rising again? Cool, I kept on working on the drop where less people were posting so I got a couple more tokens than usual for my trouble.

And so on...

You see, the people who change their ways according to price action, or that CAN'T work dilligently for a continuous space of time are the ones who always have the short end of the stick for a reason.

If Steem crushes its ATH, guess who'll be better off:

  • Those who worked!

Simple as that! If you're getting back on STEEM, good job, but I've been here accruing more tokens while you were enjoying your time off - don't blame me later or tell me the system is rigged.

Do You Want Extraordinary Results? Be Ready To Take Extraordinary Actions!

This is where it all sums up!

If you want to get extraordinary results you need to put in extraordinary actions. You need to be part of the minority, you need to keep on working when the masses leave, and you'll be better off in the long run.

Sure, it sucks to be diligent, to stick to it, and to work on a daily basis - heck, sometimes I don't feel like writing ... like today!

I wanted to grab my gear and go play Crusader Kings II and sip a glass of wine... instead I started thinking - Dammit, Max, you want to keep on growing don't you?

Do you think marrying your half-sister to the Earl of Sussex to establish an alliance while plotting to murder him later so you can inherit the earldom is going to get you more Steem Power?

Do you think joining a satanic cult just so you can infect one of its high priests, who happens to be your liege, with syphilis on a ritualistic orgy so you can stop being a vassal is getting you more followers?

  • NO!

All these things are fun at the moment, sure, but you'll later blame yourself for not working harder.

Do you know who is going to blame themselves when STEEM hits $10?

The guys who went to play Crusader Kings II instead of writing - I am not going to be one of those guys.

And just in case you think my plots above were a lie, here's the character I'm going to use to pass Syphilis on to my ruler.


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Damit i miss crusader kings. i Hope i have time to restart my Steem kings project.

Anyway, even though i haven't written too much these days, i alwasy try to write something at least once a week. It's good to write, and improve the skills.

PS: Still sad @cryptoempire is gone

I was late to the party before, but I keep on interacting on the steem block chain. Trying to my best and to get noticed, which really cwas demotivating some times. But I did continue. Not for the money aspect but because I like to interact with others. I do see the money merely as a nice side effect, but I will throw myself a big party when I will have my first post with a pay out above $10. Or when I will get my first 100% upvote from a dolphin, orca or whale!
But I do believe that my dedication is paying off! Each day not using the steem chances you are getting is a lost day! All small things add together also help. And yes it was easier to get noticed in the past 2 months cause there were less posts to compete with, all screaming for some attention! If the masses comes back, I did still some followers and did increase my voting power. Which helps with supporting others authors who did stick around or are writing good articles!
Thx for the heads up, it appears that we are on the same page!

Exactly so! Everywhere I go, there you are commenting. Blessings.

Guess we do find the same articles and people interesting. Because it really is a big steem ocean!

yeah near in time price of steem 5$ predicts

Couldn’t agree more.
With Steem price going up, competition will be harder again, because more people post. I actually liked the fact that it was low: more visibility, more connections...
Ironically, now the price is going up, I’m so caught up in a couple of things that I hardly have time to post. ;0)

But what makes it funny, is that there appears to be a hidden community here. I keep on stumbling to the same people over and over again. Like you and @mistermercury here!
This alone, made it worthwhile to keep on blogging was the money hungry wolves stayed away. If the kept on doing what they were doing, it would have been much harder to get to know great people!

I don’t think it’s a hidden community - lol. There are quit a lot of people who think high of engagement. And those prople tend to comment about community-related posts :0)
This means we keep stumblbg into the same people... ;0)

Not trying to kiss your ass here...just making an observation. During this down time you have been one of the most consistent and hardworking people on Steemit... at least that I've seen. Not only that, but you Always, Always, have something upbeat and positive to share regarding new technology, Steemit and Cryptocurrencies. So, yeah, while many were taking a break you were here forging new relationships and strengthening those who were active. Actually this was like Manna from heaven (ahem...) in that those who continued working were those who we want to build relationships with. THose who kept working are the Core of Steemit, and they, and you shall reap the rewards. OK, how'd I do? Time to pucker up and apply some chapstick? Nah, just telling it like it is. Blessings, and thanks.

Great post, definitely encouraging to see people believe in the coin and putting in hard work to see results

I stayed all through the dip and I'm glad I did. I've accumulated a number of steem and sbd through that period. I only wish steem was rising as fast as sbd. Steem spent the whole of today hovering between $3 and $3.08

Very well said....grinding night and day. Cheers

I really think that if STEEM rises to even 10$

Then too many people would get rich of off steemit :)

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