Investing STEEMIT Earnings: Investing Plan for 2018

in #steemit7 years ago

Investing STEEMIT Earnings: Investing Plan for 2018

The coming of the next year means a lot for us crypto guys.

Let's face it, for us in the Crypto industry, the "Season's Finalle" of 2017 was full of highs and low on... well, lows.

Having that in mind, you must have a good stockpile of Steemit earnings, and some crypto gains as well, gains you accumulated on these highs.

But... where should you invest your money?

Well, I'm going to tell you where you can invest to make sure you maximize those hard earned SBDs, STEEM and crypto coins you gathered throughout this insane year.


DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible for your investing decisions and these thoughts are oppinions yadda yadda, you know the drill.


Invest in Crypto: But What Coins Should You Buy For 2018?

Well, the first option is to invest right where you feel comfortable with, and this means crypto for many of you guys.

But, what coins will be the big climbers of 2018? And what projects are standing on clay legs or alternatively look solid?

As far as I'm concerned, here are some of the choices if you want to play it safe and enjoy an almost sureshot climb:

  • EOS

Now, I advise you to buy all of the first three... but don't buy Ripple. Remember that not only the numbers count. Ripple is centralized. By helping Ripple you're helping the enemy of the economy we all want to create.

Crypto must be decentralized, don't make a huge crypto Paypal out of crypto. If in doubt, read my previous post: The Ripple Plan.


Start Stacking Those Metals: The #steemsilvergold Style

Another way you can invest your earnings is by getting every gain you can get your hand on and convert it all to shiny precious metals such as Silver and Gold.

There's no bad thing about having a lot of gold and silver, and inflation walks right past it as well.

With this option you don't have to think about the crypto market sinking or even being declared illegal in your country (it has happened before for crypto peeps in some areas).

A traditional choice that is actually a solid option.


You Can't Go Wrong With Land: Real-Estate or Simple Plots

Finally, know you can't go wrong with land. I can see a way for many of the assets in the world to lose value.

When you think about stocks, comodities, your everyday assets and crypto markets it is easy to see how, but what about with Silver and Gold?

Well, even those can lose value when we start mining outside of our planet where those metals are common, although that may take some time.

On the other hand, colonizing will take even more time, so land is something that will always go up in value - you only have that much land in the world, and owning an entire city, as some people do, is a solid investment.

I'm not saying you should buy a city, unless you're a big whale of course - and the city is small - but start by buying plots of lands, condos, villas, and other real estate.


Invest in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality:

These are all niches that are becoming increasingly popular, and I have no doubt this will be huge for both the entertainment industry and every other industry in the world - there's an application for VR in most niches and Augmented Reality can really enhance most jobs and tasks.

Having that in mind, investing into VR businesses can be a solid choice, but what's more? Since you have a crypto background and you probably have a light of how markets work... how about using those gains to start developing a platform to work in the upcoming VR and AR Frameworks and devices for 2018?

An out of the box suggestion that has some merit.


Power Up: Invest Into Steem Power

What's my faith in this network? Well, it's huge!

I think Steemit and the STEEM Blockchain in its entirety have a lot of room to grow. As such, investing into Steem Power can be a really good choice, and if you publish quality content I can see you making back your investment extremelly quickly, at least when you consider other more "traditional" investment avenues.

You're also showing your long term commitment to the network, helping it grow, and locking some STEEM so the networks benefits in nearly every field.

This is what I plan to do to start the year just right. I'm invested in this for the long run.


So, these are my thoughts on how you can start your year with the right foot.

Tomorrow is the big "Reveillon" and when the clock hits midnight remember that the upcoming year of 2018 will be nothing but exciting. I sincerely hope you guys all find whatever it is you're looking for. As for me, one of the best gifts I could ask for I got it two weeks ago - I discovered STEEM.

From that point onwards, it has been smooth sailing and an exciting new ride.

See you tomorrow for a last post, before 2018 knocks on our door.


All Images from Pixabay


The market and not projection should determine investment decisions

A mix of both is a good idea.

Max is in touch with the fundamentals on his projections, it's solid! ;)

I really like your sentiments. Silver, Steem, and real estate are great choices!

Yeah, plus gold and silver are shiny :D. Thanks for stopping by Mike

And you know my love for referring to gold and silver as shiny!

I'm very curious about your position on coin stacking, because I don't really see that one. Yes, the whole historical store of value because everyone agrees type of thing but that type of agreement is fickle. It's boosting the value above the intrinsic value of the commodity in question and who knows how much that value will go up or down.

Real estate is solid. Population on Earth is still growing, as long as you pick a place that is reasonable it will go up naturally.

Silver and Gold coins are always valuable... they are silver and gold. Sure historical value is subjective, but the metallic value is always worth it anyway, unless space mining is placed in the equation you'll be well with metals in your pocket.

Oh, is it more for when the internet and stock market crashes and we have to start from scratch? I personally would not want to be burdened by storing metal :) but... It's possible to have a need for that....

It's one of the best stores of value, not BTC like the cryptards are using it :D

Happy new year to you. I never gone to portugal. But someday I will go to there . Because I want to receive your great insight to invest ... Thank you for your great works.

Hehehe! Well if you come here I'll receive you! Would love to pay you a beer and chat for some time :)
I'll see you around

Ripple is very popular in Japan. I pay special attention to BitcoinCash and steemdollars.

Thanks for stopping by. I don't like Ripple because it is centralized.

Just a couple notes, for steemit@large and U$A Users:

  1. Steem Power Leases are a great way to keep your investment IN STEEM while still making some gains! No need to look at prices, your steem can earn ~52% max PER YEAR, as the nominal rates are 1% per week, or 1 steem to "rent" 100 SP per week. Great Return, and the receiver can use the heck out of your delegation, working it even harder!

  2. Real Estate in the U$A is in somewhat of a bubble, it is one of the most inflated sectors one can invest in. But deals are still out there! Unless the ICOs for real estate have taken off, you will still have to remove cryptos from the system, convert to Fiat and then buy. Tax Implications ABOUND! EEK! lol

Great Work, Max! Thought Provoking as usual... :D

I just friggin hate taxes :D I spend all money and get close to no benefits... not fair :D

nice suggestions! very good logic!
thank you my friend. very informative and helpful article

Steem Power, for now, but yes investing into land seems a good future plan, build my own eco-friendly self-designed house. That can be my 5 year plan.

That would be incredible, to manage to do that with the help of Steemit.

You have done a good recommendation @spiritualmax . Building up your Steem Power will be a great long term opportunity for all of us. Mixing both short and long for Steemit and STEEM Blockchain will be the best strategy to rewards for ourselves.

And the more you build it now the better... With Steem rising it will become harder as time goes by

yes you got it right.. the same happens to Bitcoin when it is still on its early stages, and i would assume this would happen to Steem also.

power up is a good thing but with the rise in price it will be difficult lets see how it goes :)

Yes, the more the time goes by, the harder it will get to accumulate Steem Power. Start getting it as soon as possible

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 58445.33
ETH 3158.42
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.22