How i made my first video game

in #steemit7 years ago

So how did i make my first game.Let's begin.

One day i was on Youtube watching some gaming videos and than i saw it - game developing tutorial. I clicked on it and i saw how he writes batches of code that makes logic in his game. I was amazed and wanted to do the same. So i started looking for other full beginner tutorials how can i start making a game. 

First, i needed game engine. That was trickiest part. After about a week researching i discovered Unity. It seemed like a really good engine for people that are just starting with programming and game developing. I started with tutorials and it was just going but with struggles. I couldn't understand what I was doing. So after some researching again i realised how coding language in Unity works since i already know a bit of JavaScript.

Now it comes to real part. I started coding my game but still following tutorials. My first character was - a ball. It was 3d side scrolling platformer. I used texture from tutorial and started making my own level.

Now it comes to the part when advanced stuff came in. I got level design and character. From tutorial now i need sound - i skipped it. I wanted to make enemy. I tried and it didn't work. I didn't have model, i didn't know how to  make it move, i didn't know anything although i had tutorial. I was really sad i couldn't make it.

I stopped working on it for 2 months and i came back but same failure over and over. I gave up completely on Unity. I wanted new way of creating without writing code i understand but just in fractions. I found real stuff - I found Unreal Engine.

I was amazed what Unreal Engine can do but still keep the simplicity. The thing i was most amazed were blueprint. Those powerful things let you make your game work not by writing code, but by connecting nodes from Events to functions,variables,arrays and everything coding by writing has to offer. I tried Unreal Engine with no knowledge, just with curiosity. I made same thing i did in Unity but in Unreal Engine!

I was so amazed what are the possibilities and more and more i was into it.

Nowadays i still do coding and I am still interested in it.My story of programming is still going.....

For the end i just want to give few advices before i finish this story:

  • Do not aim for high goal - reach the small ones first because you will be trapped in big ones
  • Do not just copy what you saw on tutorial - give your game a bit of "your" mark
  • Have fun :)

So that's how one starts to create a game. Never seen it from the other side before, was allways just the gamer playing them. Good luck with your game and I hope it does well!

Thank you rymlen, it is awesome when you look game from both way technical and like a gamer :)

Very well put together tutorial @speakerhornet . I loved making games as well and have tried my hands on unity , gamesalad etc. It was fun seriously fun. To design a world of your own with your own rules is awesome

I know right, creating your world can be a lot of fun :)

like the info i hope to see more pposts

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