How to stop Steemit Scammers and Thieves

in #steemit7 years ago

A few months ago I had invest 100sb into steemit members " Bank". I saw a post from a popular member that offered a ridiculous ROI on my investment. I think it was something like 45% APR but don't quote me on that. I figured I could lose my money but the citizens of steemit are reputable people. Arent they?

The bank scam has had many people in the steemit community talking. People want to fix things and eliminate scammers and thieves. Topics have come up about voting bots, selling votes, selling delegation, flagging posts that are shit posts. People are upset and want the rules here to change. Possible a fork or code change to fix some of these issues. I read a recent post by @blocktrades that took me almost 45 minutes to read about the issues at steemit.

Here is what I have noticed when I started paying attention to what goes on here. There are groups like @steemcleaners that donate their time and resources to fight scammers and thieves. They do this because they care about the community they are part of. I have encountered other groups like @thealliance and @qurator and @ocd who are also donating time and resources to encourage undiscovered authors to keep writing. Community members like @neoxian and @compensationfund who are taking care of members who have been scammed. @thewritersblock helping and teaching members how to write better content. There is even some group of Whales that is delegating sp for free to good curators to encourage them to seek out quality content. There are many others groups and charity funds that I have not had the chance to interact with that I have not mentioned. As a matter of fact, I could just keep going with the list of outstanding community members here on steemit.

When I take a real good look around I am inspired to follow their lead. When I first got here I thought that steemit would be a good way to make some extra money. Over the last month or so I have been investing everything I have into steemit. I could have gone for the money and invested in bitcoin, but I see something special here. I spend some time is PAL discord in #recovery-addiction and the people I have met have had an impact on my life. The potential of steemit is unlimited.

To all those who think that steemit has some major problems I urge you to look around and see all the special things that are going on here. ie. I read a story about @sircork helping out another community member @malos10 with feeding people in his home country. Amazing..... Amazing life changing stuff is going on here at steemit. I have no doubt that the people that are leading by example here will lead steemit into the direction it needs to go. We are a new community here and there are growing pains.

We come from a world of rules and regulations and punishment. How has that been working out so far? Do we need more rules and regulations here at the cost of our freedom? There are a few bad apples here that just don't get what this place is all about. The community is taking care of itself without the need for a government or a coding change. We are solving our own problems internally by the members demonstrating outstanding leadership.

I get it These scammers and thieves are a bruise on our community. The blockchain and decentralized platforms that allow us freedom from the shackles of society also free the Scammers and thieves. Have no fear, the community will take care of itself, just like it has been doing. Lets change the world! Lets not change steemit to be more like the world. We have some members here that are truly invested not just with their money, buts with their hearts and souls. They will help keep steemit on the path. I have been truly inspired by these leaders and I desperately want and need to be part of whats going on here.


Thank you for reminding us of all the wonderful things that go on here at steemit. It is a community. Most people are not 'faking' here just for some upvotes. I see a genuine care and generosity between people who only met each other through the blockchain. It's like nothing else I've ever seen online.

When I saw that @neoxian had set up a compensation fund, I marveled. This must have been what it was like in the small villages. If a scam artist rolled into town and ran off with hard-earned cash, the members of the town would all gather together to help make right. They also ran the crooks out of town, never to return. I see things like this happening here.

Steemit is like the wild west. Everyone carries a gun, but look out for the sheriff.

It's important to lay the groundwork now, before the flash-mob of people come in. When STEEM goes sky-high, that's when the 'facebook' mob will flood this place - but because of the self-governance here, I think people will learn pretty quickly how to get along.

These are exciting times and more exciting times to come. Looking forward to hearing what your plans are to become a part of what is going on here. Steem on! @ironshield

this is truly an amazing thing he has done...

When I saw that @neoxian had set up a compensation fund, I marveled. This must have been what it was like in the small villages. If a scam artist rolled into town and ran off with hard-earned cash, the members of the town would all gather together to help make right.

Nowhere else online would you see such support; whether financial, emotional or physical!

I agree with you. Exciting times indeed

I had the same reaction. In fact, I even donated all my SBD (which wasn't much) to the cause. I mean the dude gave over 2000 SBD, I could at least give what little I had. It also kind of influenced me to put more into Steemit as a platform. I just wish I would have done this sooner.

It took me so long to get to Steemit, mostly because of the disappointment of other platforms and not wanting to deal with yet another

I have to admit, Steemit does have some problems, but, if you move out of your profile and really look around -there is so much here and so much good going on here.

People take it upon themselves to mentor, advise, help, befriend and boost one another to a better place. I have only met you recently, Sostrin, and the thing the really stood out (to me) is your charitable heart. There is not the what's in it for me that I see so much, but, rather how can we make this better? You offer your time, your money, your expertise. I bow down to you. Truly.

I understand it is not all rainbows and unicorns here, but, with people like sircork and places like Discord... we have a better chance of finding a place that we want to nurture and help grow.

I understand your need to be part of this better good. I do. tip!

I have been looking around and i am amazed

Touche! Many look at you with much respect and see you as a role model. Thank you gor that. You should be very proud.

Awwww shucks. Just doing the next right thing, I guess, Ms Swigle. Thank you for noticing! <3

Wonderfully put. I have a lot of the same sentiments as you to be honest. Absolutely great post. I love that you feel you have come across people greatly/fully invested here, I have had the pleasure as well and I must say that that is partly why I like steemit so much. It's the people and them putting themselves out there, showing their hearts and bearing their souls. This can be quite a magical place to be a part of.

You are another one of those hardworking people here on steemit. Grateful that we have crossed paths

Myself I love steemit because of the people. There are some awesome folks here in every corner.

I so totally agree with this. Yes we are new and growing pains are to be expected. I consider myself an optimistic realist. I see an unlimited future for Steemit. We have the power to do so much good. That is why I am endlessly trying to convince my YouTube audience to come over and try it.

We have so little freedom in our day to day lives that when folks are given some freedom, they dont know what to do with it. Of course there are scammers, spammers, and cheats. Just like in the real word. All the laws or lack of freedom cannot prevent all the bad things from happening.

I dont have all the answers but I am willing to listen to new ideas. I respect folks like my buddy @meesterboom. He is really looking for out of the box answers. Agree or disagree, I appreciate folks working on making Steemit all it can be. I think you, @sostrin are a great example of that as well!

None of us have the answers. We keep an open mind and do the best we can

Great post, @sostrin.

At every school I've ever attended, every job I've ever had, every social media platform I've ever joined, every church I've been a part of, every trip to a store or cocert or event, even every family get together, there has been at least one person that seemed to be there for the sole purpose of scamming, belittling, arguing, bullying, harassing, or in some way or another making everyone around them uncomfortable or affecting their experience in a negative way.
But it's ultimately up to us to decide if these people get to steal our happiness, our peace or our good time.
Normally, recognizing them and their motive and choosing to ignore them does the job. But sometimes a few strong people have to stand up to them. Bullies are loud, but usually weak, so they tend to back down and hush up when they find out that their nonsense isn't going to be tolerated.
I think the number of good people here outweigh the bad so drastically, that the good with big voices can shut the bad down without a appointed governing body.

The scary thing about making a list of things someone can't do, or can't say is that the list of specific infractions would be forever growing, and generalized rules limit the good along with the bad.
Besides, who gets to decide what okay and what isn't? Will everyone in the community agree with the rule makers?
I think this platform can selfgovern effectively.

Yes we get to choose. We are not victims

Greetings! A great post and I agree with Lady @dswigle and further let me say that bad things happen when good people sit around idle! We should all keep a sharp lookout and warn others when we detect any dark moves! Upvoted!

We take care if each other

Well said @sostrin! You are right about the few bad apples and growing pains, but as you said, the community is solving its own problems internally. There are so many smart, talented, generous people on this platform that make it an inspiring place to be. I for one, am grateful.

Me too

You are so right!! There are some - no, many - truly amazing people here on steemit who really want to help people and make it a good experience for all os us.

Great post! I am lucky so far to have a really great experience here on Steemit. Definitely lots of learning to do still, but excited to keep meeting new people on here like yourself! :)

I am glad you are enjoying the experience

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