As the Post Burns : The Rapid Decline of Content Value, the First 6 1/2 Days. Resteem Challenge

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

An Article by aka Sorn Prar

As the post "burns": the first six and a half days.


This morning I found myself contemplating the decline in value of everything I have posted since starting the complex adventure here on steemit, and thinking of means to slow down the decline of (or even increase) the value of posts most 'important' to me.
It became obvious to me the first hour or so value increases quiet nicely in proportion to the first few votes and/or comments, but then no attention is paid to a post after that initial 'rush'. And the value of said posts fall like a stone as it receives no more upvotes, little to no comment engagement, and never a resteem (to date that I am aware of).

🂿 🃑 🃁 🂡 🃒

At first I thought I understood the gamble involved, thinking the best bet was relying on posting great content and engaging similar posts with comments, upvotes, and even resteems - that in itself would be enough to organically grow into a mutual network of Following/Followers that could support itself as a "profitable system" while building interesting online relationships. Learning, sharing, and even the potential to teach would just happen naturally. Or so I initially thought.

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Yet as my experience grows with this Network I speak of, I am realizing that my original opinion was wrong; it is not nearly enough to be "successful" here.

🎯 🎯 🎯

From my own experience it has not been enough, to engage others with comments, upvotes, and occasional resteems does not seem to be enough. From what I can tell, none of my content has ever been resteemed. And in this my thinking needed to change direction. What is it about my content itself that lacks the lure to engage with? If I can barely manage to scrap up a small handful of upvotes here and there, with even fewer commenting, how can I ever hope for anyone to promote & expose my efforts with a resteem?
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Now I realize it's importance, how a resteem can expose you to those not following you and even earn upvotes/followers/comments/etc. outside of my own network.
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I didn't give much thought to the power of the resteem. To me, seeing so many "upvote and resteem me and I'll upvote and resteem you" seemed so desperate and child like. Like kids playing doctor in the house, and the parents are having a few drinks outside after a BBQ.
Even worse were the posts I would see advertising "send [this user] some of your SDB and receive a whale upvote!". The gears get to turning in my head. And my pride gets resentful, I even get a bit angry, disgusted to think "loyalty" is for sale here. And like most everything else in life the "Haves" would always take care of their own, leaving the "Have Nots" to fight over the scraps under the table. And mostly because my belief that content (especially my own) should be good enough to carry itself without relying on pay-offs, begging, or selling out.

📉 💸 💸 💸 📈

Now, after looking closely at a few of the "dreaded" 'this for that' posts and realizing how popular & successful they are, I have forced myself to give it more thought (and a chance, to see if it can work as well for myself & my network of Following/Followers as it has for the countless users and accounts I have witnessed so far).
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I can not prevent shameless self promotion or offers of bribery and payoffs in order to profit. And it seems to be becoming a case of
"If You Can't Beat 'Em Join 'Em".

I am by no means a "pro" at any of this, and all my opinions and thoughts stated here can very well be far from what is really the case (just going by my own experiences).

So I am asking you, those following or anyone who happens upon this article, to have a look at me
( @sornprar )
and consider resteeming an article/post of your choice from the last 7 days. And if you choose to do so, please leave a comment below explaining which one you chose to share & why (a title is fine, no need for links unless that is your preference).

Anyone commenting will receive the same action in kind from me (review of feed and resteeming something original).

Who knows, it may even lead any of us to more to follow, more followers, more upvotes, more great content to upvote, and more engaging comments.

Thank You All! I look forward to any comments, as well as the potential to expand OUR Network.
Namaste02a.png World03.png Namaste02a.png


How many of us have felt the same but have said nothing? I relate, bro...i get this Sunday sinking feeling...i'm reluctant to get on with my project seems so out of place.

After all, @dollarvigilante says he makes $500 a day just walking his dog and posting it....(sigh)

Without even seeing past postings, this post deserves an upvote for honesty, (for what little it's worth from a 'minnow') - and a follow for temerity.

Not to mention the Sanskrit peace!

Thanks for this,
& Namaste

Thank you for being the first to resteem anything from me. I appreciate the upvote, every bit counts. And even more so commenting. Finally a touch of real humanity within this machine system.
Hoping you stick around, am following and will keep my eye out for your first top level content post.
AUM, one moment at a time.

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