How quickly is Steemit growing? [STATS]

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Recently, AnonSteem has been booming with accounts, over 100 new accounts this month. I decided to investigate.

It looks like we're in for another big user surge, similar to August last year, when Steemit first got popular.

Above is the new accounts over time, extracted from the blockchain. We can see this month we've had over 16,000 new users. We could easily hit 20,000 by the end of the month.

Let's look at the posts too

A whopping 440,000 posts. We've hit the same level of activity as August, despite less new users. From this we can tell a lot of older users are rushing back to Steemit, to get in on the fresh hype.

It's clear that Steem is NOT dead, and we're about to gain a lot more users than ever before.

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We're viral baby!

Not yet. When we go viral growth will be mind-blowing.

Yes definitely, and I'm actually kind of scared for it, because then my account will be lost in the herd of new other ones. If we go viral, we will need a much better way to sort through posts and find quality content, like but better and also integrated into the Steemit website.


That site you linked is not useful.

Why is it not? It allows you to filter and find better new content from small authors. It eliminates all spam, plaigiarized posts, tiny posts, and only shows posts from users who have good reputuation. In what way is it not useful?

Wow, that is a huge jump in posts from last month. I know of 3 different people who joined recently with very large youtube followings. I think this is just the beginning. Once the fire starts spreading you just have to let it burn!

@orionschariot, oh the fire has started and it's spreading fast. It's like a gold rush...

Glad to see those great news!

good information~ where can i get that chart from? user growth and new posts

I produced the chart myself, using @arcange's SteemSQL.

I'm not sure if any sites show these charts yet. I simply extracted the data from the blockchain, and dumped it into Apple Pages (OSX's excel clone), and generated a nice graph :P

that is a lot of posts! wow thanks for the stats

Thanks for the analysis m8!

above average posts.. not bad !
wait.. really good I mean ;)

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