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RE: Trump Twitter Ban

in #steemit8 years ago

The nice thing about steemit is its controlled by the majority (of steem power) and the people can flag hate speech. Its the only platform where the users can actually silence hate using anarchistic principles. Based on my observations; there are only a couple bully whales here but those particular bully whales are actually not racists or bigots, just abusive with their steem.

So if they come, have a bad time, they will leave.


I disagree.
Everyone says (insert keyword here) stuff to someone. and at the same time that is why steemit (twitter and facebook)is dying. Censoring anyone for any reason is bad. But what do I know I only watched everyone I came here with leave and everyone I have gotten to join got flagged to shit and left.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

So if they come, have a bad time, they will leave.

This I believe to be the truth and what I have witnessed over and over with new users.

Democracy is not an Anarchist principle, in fact it's quite the opposite, ever heard of "Tyranny of the majority"? I am genuinely concerned about what affect voting blocs will have on this platform, but I'm interested in seeing what will happen regardless. Like Bitcoin, Steemit should be regarded as something very experimental.

While I would take something like direct democracy over any other form of government, it's still an issue that large numbers of people can use their governments to attack small groups or individuals.

i would defend myself against direct democracy

I understand what you're saying. I disagree though because steemit is truly the epitome of anarchy. in the sense that those with muscle (steempower) are the gods. If you're friends with them you can login, post your latest fart and make $20. while those who pour their heart into a post make often get less than a penny.

It's not fair! but fuck.. life isn't fair, so how to complain. just wait for the next best thing. It will come soon. sooner than later.

BlockChain will improve in the near future.. Steemit does not own blockchain tech, anyone can use it. Someone soon will find a way to make it better. Hell, compared to steemit it can only get better.

When it does get better they will post about it here, you and I will among the first to know. May take a year but it will come. this platform is poor example of blochchains potential.

Steemit has attracted some of the smartest people on the internet, they mostly all left.

Eventually, probably in a year or so, the next best thing will come along for us to complain about. Enjoy while it last. Hopefully they last longer.

My regret for the past 4 months is dedicating so much of my time here for for pennies. yes, pennies.. Welfare would have paid more. Luckily I have a job and savings.. Sucks for those invested $1000+US to make a few pennies daily.

Anarchy is just a nice word to say that you are completely at the mercy of the first organized power to step on your property.

Yeah this instills fear the platform will never gain traction. :/

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