Spam on Steemit is a problem and a potential threat to the site success and how it can affect your potential earnings

in #steemit7 years ago

I understand Steemit is still in beta and they may improve on what their biggest problem they have at the moment, at least in my opinion.

With Steemits user base increasing more rapidly I have noticed more and more users spam the feed. I don't mind if someone posts several posts within a 30 minute period once or even twice a day, but my god I have seen users here who consistently have a post ever literally EVERY FREAKING MINUTE all through the day.

This ends up spamming not only my home feed but many other people's feeds. These types of users are abusing the system in my opinion because they end up pushing down some quality posts by other users. And to make it worse they are usually really short posts with pictures and a sentence or copy and pasted articles.

These types of post don't take much effort and when it is consistently done at a high volume it makes it "Steemit Spam". Also this will the users who use this strategy to post as people will mute them or unfollow them. Then when the person has a quality post it will go unnoticed.

I can't be the only one who gets annoyed by this or am I? Reminds me of the days when people sent FarmVille requests all day long on FB.

I think the quality of the posts would be a lot better and therefor making Steemit better if there was a 10-20 post limit limit per user a day. And then that limit could increase if they improve their reputation or participate other ways like commenting on another post and upviting the posts.

I say that because I noticed a lot of trending posts barely have any comment discussions in them and the ones who churn out a post every minute don't comment back on any other posts, therefore not fully participating in the site.

Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes as I wrote this from my phone and have fat fingers 😝


Maybe we need a "name and shame" section.

not a fan of that idea. it sounds like it can be used to bully an individual.

ya, you're right, bad idea. Best to just ignore, they will soon realise they are making nothing and will either give up or improve their content. Problem Solved.

I think That could be a great idea. And to prevent people from abusing that feature just have a report for abuse feature where if a poster has over a certain number of people voting that the user is abusing the system then they have their posting privileges suspended for a 24 hrs

I like it and there can be certain criteria that must be met to warn other users of accounts that spam. Then again I guess people can mute the user that spams so that can also hurt their posts since they won't be visible on all their followers feeds. If that is what the mute options purpose is?

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