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RE: Applications Team Update: Notifications, Condenser, and More!

in #steemit6 years ago

Seems like the option to "Convert to STEEM" should be brought back since SBD price is almost at $1.00. This would help alleviate debt pressure of SBD. If it were to be brought back, then an option to "Convert to SP" should be created to allow users cash their SBD directly to SP to support long term staking of STEEM.


This was discussed in GitHub a bit. The conversion feature is considered "advanced user" functionality. For the average user, they are better off just trading for STEEM on the internal market.

Why don’t you guys let users decide that instead of telling everyone that they’re too
stupid to use a certain feature/function of the blockchain, especially one that’s designed to help alleviate certain pressures on token prices and debt loads?

It’s really up to Steemit what features they include in their UI. They tend to stay away from features that cause confusion and bad UX for “simpler users”. Users do still have choices though - to use other UIs.

@ats-david Retaliatory downvote for the unsolicited downvote over here...

And also here...

You downvoted me twice, I'm only doing it once in order to call you out.

As I mentioned before. Abusive downvoting will drive people away and downvoting minnows who really don't have anything to begin with is abusive.

I realize that my downvote means nothing, but I see you're asking for witness votes and so I've asked everyone I know to unvote you as a witness because of your support for abusers like @church-of-piglet who are attacking people who have no ability to defend themselves.

You'll probably downvote me into oblivion for staying strong and not backing down from my opinions, and that's your choice. Just know I spoke my mind.

No, I’m downvoting you because you’re a liar and an’re crying “RAPE!!!” because of a downvote worth a few cents at most.

Looks like we’ll just have another flame-out on our hands from someone who thinks they’re entitled to rewards. Good luck with that. As long as you’re willing to flame, I’m willing to put it out.

Your turn.

No thanks, I'm done. I called you out for supporting something I disagree strongly with, abusive downvoting, which is making the community toxic. Thank you for proving my point. You win. Congratulations and good luck!

What if the average user wants to support the long term staking of STEEM?

Lol what am i talking about. ignore me.

How do we use the "advanced user" feature?

You can use a third party wallet like Vessel or SteemConnect.

Vessel ?

Is there something like Scatter EOS for Steem?

There are Vessel and SteemConnect. They aren't exactly the same, but they serve similar purposes.

SteemConnect is centralized , Vessel is nice but it doesn't interact with web pages. Scatter extension and desktop are cool because you can autenticate and transact without storing the password in the browser or 3rd part services

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