
Is it policy to disallow users who criticise the platform, up to and including FUD, to contribute to the GitHub projects? Seems quite strict. I read the comments and issues raised by @faddat that were available on GitHub (i.e. any that were not delete) and apart from some somewhat unprofessional language, there was nothing objectionable there.

He's not banned for criticism, he's banned for being a jerk. We've no time for that, and anyone who saps our resources in a similarly unproductive manner is unwelcome.

This post continues the trend. I hope he goes away. I have him muted presently on Steemit and will be spending no more time on the matter.

Thanks for the reply. Well I guess that makes sense if you extend the "workplace" to Steem posts which are off GitHub (again, assuming I'm not missing anything deleted), which is reasonable I think.

As a general point on issues like this I would encourage you to have policies set out on this that you can refer to, or in lieu of a hard copy policy, you can say such and such is your policy. It would help clarify situations like this for interested but uninvolved bystanders who care about fairness, such as myself and others who have comment, and not waste our time on it.

No harm done though. Also that book looks interesting, I might get it. I agree with it as a policy.

Our staff spends time reading the blockchain, reading github, reading feedback. We discuss all meaningful feedback, positive and negative. It takes up a significant percentage of our limited time resources, as we are primarily a community-driven operation, and we take that seriously.

We don't have enough troublesome people yet to need a formal policy. Maybe one day. I hope not!

Understandable, but if you're going to scale it's worth thinking about. But as you say, hopefully down the line.

Hey you're the one calling me an asshole, ya sneaky fuck. :P

So, what say ye:

Ya know, Ned might not even know what a shitty thing he is doing, selling out the community and the practices that surround blockchains. You know EXACTLY what you're doing.

I KNOW WHY DAN QUIT. It's actually really simple-- morality, ya douche.

I think he really means posts like the one above that carry substantial technical weight and point to systemic flaws.

But here is the biggest systemic flaw, which we are all watching play out right now at this moment: is not decentralized. It's just something some company made and owns and therefore controls.

Please just let @sneak answer himself and stop adding oil to the fire

it's supposed to be a platform for free speech and free thought. he can answer if he'd like and until then I'm forced to speculate.

Well, you're free to do that obviously but I'm not interested in your speculations, come on

Fail to assume good faith like this one?

What kind of good faith should I be assuming, @sneak?

You're turning down help you need, and you're totally negating the anti-exclusionary features of OPEN software development. It's stupid, and harms progress here, that's all. Wouldn't you like docs that match your code?

....or are you just afraid of my altcoin? If you are, that's the height of stupidity. It's my intent to grow steem's user-base alongside Dawn's. Don't believe me?


Watch me.

Edit: I'm really not so sure about that plan anymore.

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