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RE: My proposal: reduce the withdraw channel from 104 weeks to 104 days or even 104 hours to make steemit less like a ponzi scheme

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

[replying from lower nested comment]

Would you be able to make any other recommendations for me as to why anything less than several thousands dollars would be a worthwhile investment?

IMO there is only one reason to invest in this platform and that is because you think the investment will go up in value. Investing for rewards or influence is largely a losing game at this point (possibly that could change in the future, with a much larger user base, but at this point who really cares about influence over content seen by 1000-2000 users?). Remember, all the rewards are being paid by investors. That means when you buy in they come out of your investment as well. It makes no sense to buy in for rewards when it means you are paying out more as well. There is no free lunch and value is not created out of thin air, even of tokens can be.

Currently the market cap of Steem is less than $100 million. If you think it has the potential to grow to say $1 billion or more (as a recent trending post claimed), then it is a good investment whether you buy a large amount or a small amount.

I will not tell you whether or not that is going to happen. You will have to make up your own mind.

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