Some Steemians Are in fear of posting because of all the hype about 'quality content' . FBI to investigate "CLEANERS"

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


you can see this comment and many others here :

This is what all those smart asses created , with their idiotic rules and armies of bots .

But there is a hope folks , do not give up your steemit accounts yet .

We are not talking here just about annoying internet trolling . Serious money is in the game and so called 'cleaners'
are involved in some really shady business here that can't be legal

I am personally taking action against @themarkymark
and I encourage all of you affected by those thugs to file complaints with law enforcement .

If you are sure user is from the US , file complaint with the FBI , there are also Europol , Interpol and many countries have their own cyber crime units where you can file complaint .

Do little research and file those complaints , DO NOT LET THESE THUGS GET AWAY WITH THIS !


Let's get something clear here. If you get on steemit and post a single image with no text or anything. That might be a shitpost.

but if you get on and write maybe 500 words or so along with that image. Then it's not a shitpost. What's so hard to understand?

Also at the same time. Even if you write a post that's great. Someone is bound to not like it. That's just life man. Just man up, accept it and move on.

This post is just not directed at you but at everyone that's on the platform. We all get flagged. It hurts. Just wear the scar with pride.

hurt me !? 'shit posts' !?


we are talking about serious crime here son

What is the crime?

a few actually , including but not limited to :

  1. Fraud
  2. Cyberbulling with financial consequences
  3. Possible money laundering and tax evasion

Ok. I'm assuming that you have proof.
If so please provide.

if you are part of the cabal , you'll get the 'proof'

Not part of anything.

Until you provide proof your claims are unsubstantiated.

ok , have a good one

i think there are better things for you to spend your time on, but i respect your choice.

as usual I agree with you and I thank you for respecting my choice .
I think we should go grab a beer some day

Yeah I've had people. Demand me do what they are doing and copy and paste gifs and pictures to make it "quality" and currently have a war against me for contradiction of the cowpocylapse theory.

But abuse by people happens. And yeah I'm not going to stop being me and having my own opinion.

But if you do like we say you will earn more...

Well every vote is a blessing. I'm not stopping.

And not sure why all this warfare especially coming from people that are supposed to be my friends.

I'll not name names bit y'all already ratted yourself out.

If I find the time, I am going to make a few posts about @steemcleaners and @cheetah

Just like @badcontent , @cheetah is targetting news channels that report about what is going on in Syria and the Middle East

@steemcleaners has made one of my posts invisible that exposes the UN opposing reconstruction of Syria by mouth of Staffan de Mistura

ok buddy , you have my support

Two solutions for this. Decline payout on the post if you copy and paste the entire article. Or.. Use relevant snippets and give your opinion on it as well as the source so others can read the article.

@cheetah doesn't target any individual or group. It simply finds copied content.

I would suggest there are many more solutions for this .

  1. Report to law enforcement , steemit 'cleaning' appears to be a BIG business . Just a claim that you are trying to do a good thing here does not mean that you are actually doing a good thing or it is legal (I see you recently purchased a new house , money came from 'cleaning' business ?)
  2. If it turns out that you can legally use bots to suppress other users income and channel all steem from steemit reward pool to your account , I guess we are all going to switch our accounts and do that very same thing .

Deploying a bot to Amazon AWS is not difficult thing to do ...

Ok, so apparently we have already found someone who is behind these @steemcleaners and @cheetah bot shit :-) Saves me a lot of work searching :-P


This user is on the @buildawhale blacklist for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Spam
  • Plagiarism
  • Scam or Fraud

Yeah I doubt the FBI gives a crap about a virtually unknown blogging site, let alone down votes on that site.

we'll see , some of those accounts hold millions of dollars worth of steem

Serious money?
they tricked me!

yawn , another annoying kid . go somewhere else please

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