

you know what im saying.

I understand the sensation

think all of the steem users do at this point.

Haha really that's my condition always..... Hahha lol . @skeptic bro nice one

It is my current condition.
I am fighting myself right now. I see some super retarded stuff being posted but im to scrd to reply to it from the months and months of flagging from whales. i seriously look like the gif and feel like it too.

Tripping! Haha

trippin ballz!!!!

XD you should put a epilepsy warning at the beginning haha, it very accurate, even more now that bitcoin is recovering : )

LOL i didnt even think about that, i wonder how many seizures i created with that post.
yeah things are getting really insane with the rise in price.

Yeah it instantly trigger a memory of a Simpsons episode when they go to Japan I think haha, byc it keeps raising like the raising sun man I am getting afraid it would raise too much XD

same, when it goes up to fast i get worried. at this point i could see a drop to 10k before another big jump up on price.
This is just the begining too, we havent even started the game imo. still in pregame warm up.

Yeah it is good when it goes up a little but when it shoots up so fast I start getting worry as I fear another drop because it is hype that is driving the price and not real world use anyway, it is go to have you back skeptic I hope you are enjoying you weekend too : D

i prefer the slow and steady rise in price. Right now the hype is good if it is getting people to learn more about crypto.
its better then the last 2 years of constant bad information getting spread around.
Even if we have a couple more drops, in the long run people are hearing about bitcoin and thats good imo.
Last year when i would talk to people i know about bitcoin they had never even heard about it, now almost everyone has heard about bitcoin even if they have no clue what it is or how it works. the idea is spreading though and thats only good in my opinion.

Im glad to be back, the weekend has been insane for me but its not over and being super busy is not a bad thing to me.

You are right, 2 years ago most people in my country didn't know about Bitcoins now there are a lot of tranding with them : D , if you are a busy the weekends that's a good thing right ?

next year bitcoin will be as common as mastercard or visa.
yeah busy is always good as long as i can keep up with the ammount of work.
Gona be super crazy next couple months getting everything ready to move then actually moving. ugh moving is going to suck! lol not sure how ima get online in a motorhome yet so might be away from steemit a couple weeks when i finally get to the point of driving outa this state.
will be worth it after the move though, back where family is and stuff. i cant wait to see my sister and her kids and husband, seen them maybe 4 times in the last 8 years. I cant wait.

obviously not paying attention, thank you for pointing out that. i fixed it i think.
damn i feel dumb as i double checked it b4 hitting post.

Nice gift my friend!

if its so nice why not upvote it?

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