
@skeptic You really have to consider the regulation and the normal thing in any case would be also to have as the users think. Anyway, I think the opportunity for you to raise this debate is good. Best regards

people are slowly talking about it.

oh i am a shit poster, they haven't came for me yet :)

That time already passed, lol
now shitposting and memes are ok because the whales have set up a voting service for it so they can consolidate more power on the platform.
As long as they are getting their cut they look the other way.
just dont get to popular and the whales will leave you alone.

no worries, i stick to the shadows .

safest place to be right now. lol

Hey friend, yes! Very good thanks for posting Steemsteem!

Problem for me, how I get them to come on me yet?

I post good, so you come on me, yes?

Flagging really pisses me off. It's the system of censorship built into Steemit that hangs over everything waiting for the time when every zionist shill account has 100k in their wallet.

And right now most people seriously think there are no shill accounts (WAKE UP!) and that it's just harmless "flagging" rather than censorship.


Its corrupt to the core and i think most people are just trying to get as much out of it as quick as possible before something better comes out. I use to think people were trying to fix problems but it looks more like they are just trying to cover them up with new interface graphics.

Hopefully people will wake up.

Sadly I fully agree - I'm a big fan of Steemit, but it's blatently obvious that no site development has been done in 18 months and there is censorship all over the place.

I have theories about why but I'm not saying in public because I don't want to get flagged.

If we do have to go elsewhere later the thing I want to take with me from Steemit is my Steemit friends (and my wallet!).

i love steemit dont get me wrong, i would rather the real issues get sorted out and it to become the best platform ever but i see it going the other direction.

Is that your car? Its so fucking badass! you should do up some mad max style bumpers and window covers for it!!!!

I agree, that car is crying out for some apoca-modding ;)

yeah its like half way there.
You could prolly get away with taking it to wasteland weekend how it is already.

I am scared they will come for me one day . before that either I should be a whale or else I should have a very big team :P

Growing fast.

prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

I think I'm thinking the same thing too.

hopefully things change.

I hope so. and many in Venezuela too, in fact I include myself.

i include you and venezuela too!

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