Steemit is Broken?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I have tried to make 2 replies to a comment I have received. I wrote out the first reply hit send and this happened.

Right after seeing it pop up I was like WTF.
So i deleted the reply and typed out a simple short reply and took a screen shot to make sure i wasent crazy.

For a second time i hit send and this is what showed up.

Super corrupted. :O

Is steemit broken or is it on my side?

Please fix steemit, im having withdraws!

it might have been a one time glitch that happened twice in a row o something. have not had the problem after I made the post.

Edit: It is going on again today, I cant reply to anyone.


Hmmm... new censorship protocol... gibberish filter applied!

lol, what I was trying to say was nothing that would get censored. or i don't think it would.
it hasent happened again so hopefully it was just a 2 times in a row glitch. lol

I got some new cunt flagging my posts and I have no clue why. lol
He came to my post, flagged it, then commented a copy of his new post. I'm so confused from it. lol
Trippin me out. lol

im just glad i can reply to people again. xD

I was just being silly conspiracy theorist..... I know it wasn't what you were saying lol

Not as silly as the flat earth person I was dealing with. xD

I can't believe thats really a thing.... I did a post awhile ago when I heard about it.....

i understand the idea of being skeptic about everything we now know or think we know about earth but to say i belive the earth is flat because i am skeptical of the information i have been given is insanity. if they are so skeptical of the science that we have from a long time of collecting then why not be skeptic of some idiot claiming the earth is flat with no evidence to back it up. just trying to understand the ration behind it makes my brain hurt.

they wont believe the earth is round unless they go to space and see it with their own eyes. -smh- cause nasa is the Nazis and they are only there to trick us. a lot of the same people try to tell you that the Nazis really won ww2 and they are only telling us they lost to control us. o.O i seriously think i just lost an iq point saying that.

skeptic35 · 6 days ago

First off, Fuck off bitch! You killed my account for leaving one comment on your post. this will not be the end of me and you are now one of my targets. I will not be flaging you because im not a little flaggot like you bitchez. but i will be talking about your actions and drawing attention to you that will not be positive.

just look at what happened to @r4fken people had it with the censorship and he got doxed with his families phone numbers revieled, where he lives and everything not saying you will be doxed, i would not support that but i have no control over what the community does.

i think it would show grate character on your part if you removed all the flags you gave me and told the other flaggots to do the same. if not i can not be held accountable for other peoples actions. i wont feel bad afterwards either.

one comment on your post and this is what you do? one fucking comment? fucking petty, you must be so proud of your actions.

Try a different browser, see if it does it there too. I never seen that error before.

I only have one browser and it has never happed before. :/
edit: this reply worked! :O

Lets see how low we can get your steem. That's the steemit game :) id flag you but need to wait 4 a bit I'm outa power for 1 hour

why i have never flagged you before or even talked to you before?
WTF yo??!!?!?!

Why the fuck are you flagging my posts and leaving this crap in my comments section? -smh-

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