Sketch Of The Day - screaming - 7/365

in #steemit6 years ago

Bit of a crazy day, watched a kid flip his shit in the 5 guys burger shop today. this is kind of my mental picture of what was going on.


Can you believe kids now days can cuss their parents out at the age of 10-12 and not only do they not get the living shit kicked out of them they get a promise to be taken to the store to get some new oonies or whatever the fuck the kid was crying about. this kid said and i quote "fuck you stupid bitch whore this is why i hate you and dad, all i fucking wanted was more oonies and you are abusing me by saying i got some yesterday." he then went on to cry/yell "i need more oonies" over and over for about 3 min till their burger order came up. i then watched the mom coddel the little boy with if you can just wait for the food we will go get oonies right after".

WTF kind of world are we living in now? my mom woulda just given me the look and if i didnt stfu right away i woulda not only recieved an ass woopin in the burger shop when i got home i would have gotten another and then again when my dad got home. fuck just the idea of me talking back to my mom instills fear into me, my dad wouldnt sit by if someone called his wife a bitch or a whore or anything. i already know what he would say as im sure its close to the same message he passed to me when i told him "fuck you". LOL i got my ass wooped so hard and he told me during it, "i wouldnt take this bullshit from a stranger you think im going to take it from my own son".

You might say well skeptic your kinda fucked up as it is, well just imagine if i always got my way and couldnt understand the word no.

I mean fuck, what is this little fuck of a kid going to do when hes like 15-16 and some chick tells him "woah, im not ready to have sex" i dont even want to think of the pitty me show he is going to pull.

So yeah fuck, sorry bout the rant it was just insane. i feel bad for the mom but at the same time i dont, she is dealing with the monster she created. if anything i feel bad for the rest of the world for what they are going to have to deal with in 7-8 years when this kid is considered an adult.

We are going to hell in a hand basket people and if you dont understand why just look at the current state of the world. we are fucked and might as well watch the circus as a spectator insted of a preformer.

Cheers steemit!


What's your problem, @skeptic? The poor kid didn't get his oonies! Have you no compassion?

Imagine what he will do when he is in his 20's and here on steemit! We need to start getting his safe space ready.

IM still so confused what oonies are. maybe its ounies. im not sure the spelling, they must be like crack to little kids or something.

Ugh, i honstly dont know if that kid will last to his 20's. the world is going to be a harsh place for him once reality shows up. i know it might be a weird question but on a serious note, is a good ass wooping a bad thing if you learn from it?

He might be a steemit wale tbh, alot of them act about the same.

That's funny. Hey, I got spanked hard, with a belt, when I was a boy. Nothing wrong with it, as long as the parents do it for the right reasons and do it with love.

i agree, i prolly shoulda got more ass woopings as a kid.

No doubt. But I like you just the way you are.

Corporal punishment, properly done, makes a boy stronger and closer to becoming a man. It must not be done in a way that kills the boy's spirit or his love for his parents.

yeah not saying kids should be abused and stuff.
just a spanking or even the fear of a spanking can do wonders.

Made me what I am today. ('Course, that might work against doing it!)

Girls shouldn't get the same treatment. The psychology is entirely different.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

my mom woulda just given me the look and if i didnt stfu right away i woulda not only recieved an ass woopin in the burger shop when i got home i would have gotten another and then again when my dad got home.
It should be received instead of recieved.

There, their, they're dont cry to hard!
Image result for crying hug


atleast someone got it.

Instead of teaching people how to deal with negative feelings we are conditioning them to feel like they shouldn't have any bad feelings. It is not wise and I feel sorry for the young folks today.

I forgot to ask WTF is an Oonie? And by the way, I liked your scketch. And you are a bad speller


Amazing art.
I like this steemit.

thank you, idk if i woulconside it amazing bu when looking bck on it im not ashamed of it.
thanks for checking the post out and commenting, i appericate it alot!

I hate to say this, but I feel sorry for the spoiled kid. I want to spank and ground him, but I still feel sorry for him. Parenting at it's worst.
The world is becoming quite the entertainment platform.

yeah i agree, parenting at its worse and the kid is going to have a fucked up future. hopefully he doesnt fuck anyone elses future up as he is sinking his own ship.
the last line is awesome and it instantly makes me think of george carlin:

sometimes the front row seat can be a little to much for me.

George Carlin, one of my favorites!

same, he was a great mind.

thanx for checking it out.

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