
I hear ya. Seems like every time I feel like I'm getting ahead, the value of STEEM goes down.

It will go up at some point and hopefully all the work and effort will be paid off.

Skeptic, you are not really Skeptical are you? LOL


Because i said price will go up sooner or later?

How can Steem not go up. So many Alt coins are with over $100 and they are not used for anything really. Like Monero for example. If you check the profiles of most of memebers here ,yes our fellow Steemians most joined recently. So imagine a few years from now.

I hope you are right.
At some point some major issues need to be adressed on this site, so far i have seen nothing but trying to cover up the issues and censorship of anyone that tries to talk about them.
honstly though, i stuck around when steem was below 10 cents and i dont see myself leaving anytime soon.
even 5 bucks a coin would be amazing imo!

Well I guess Steemit isn't yet the crowded media but it will surely get more interesting when online communities will take shape around. I don't know. What are you fields of interests ?

Interesting is for sure.
Im interested in alot but try to avoid falling into a community.
Prefer to be an individual.

Add me up. That's gonna make some additional folk to build stuff around if there's anything .

Most important IMO is keeping new users, the rate people leave is faster then they arrive and thats scary to me.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63781.73
ETH 3407.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47