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RE: Steemit Economic Changes - Now vs. November 16th Fork

in #steemit8 years ago

Till the flagging system is fixed then value of steem will only continue to go down. this is just another small bump to get people to invest real money into the system. give it a bit and we will watch it all return to the death spiral it was.
Everyone is over looking the fact that 90% of the users are leaving and 85% are leaving because of the flagging abuse. The value of steem will continue to dorp no matter what is done if people keep leaving and sto showing up because of the rep steemit has as a whole online now.
But no one is going to fix the flagging problem because the people that made steemit believe strongly that we should be able to abuse the steem power and proof of it is in their posts and their actions in flagging people out of opinion.
Till people realize the flagging system is the death of steemit then no matter what you do or say the value is only going to drop in the long run.
But hey you can cash out in 3 months now so no need to pretend we are in it for the long haul, in 3 months I see all whales cashing out and the people that don't getting stuck with a worthless currency.
But what do iknow, I have only been calling this stuff as it happens day before it happens.

you can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality


I agree, if inflation exists, value will drop. However looking to steem as an experiment it's quite interesting to observe people's behavior and interventionism in ecosystem. In couple months or years, they will probably need to make another intervention like a central bank and will face the decision to add/remove interest rate or move to a new cryptocoin.

or they will let steemit die after cashing out to only re brand it and do the same thing again.

Honestly, if steemit fails, someone else will try to create a better ecosystem, that's the way technology evolves, we try, fail, improve and try it again. But there are some experiments we can't try alone, because we need real human beings to be part of simulation.
It's remind me a tv serie called ascencion, take a look @skeptic, it's pretty like steemit, lol

ill look it up right now.
I actally think after steemit crashes to nothing and dan and ned have milked it for everything they are going to turn around and re brand it and repete it all again.
Their actions do not come off as the stuff one would do if they really wanted steemit to last.
IMO atleast.
I could be bitter because of dan flagging me for pointing out the stuff he said in old posts or when I talk about the flagging problem but I don't think that is he reason. I feel the reason is because of the stuff he said in old posts and how his actions prove the stuff he was saying is how he feels, hence the reason he was flagging me when I pointed out what he was saying in a place where a lot of people got to see it.
IDK I hope it goes up but I don't believe it will in the long run. The more the word spreads about the flagging and about how 90% of everyone left because the flagging but nothing is done about it or the fact that twitter and youtube are dying because they are trying to implement the same thing as steemit (giving the power to flag stuff to morons or people that flag out of opinion) and the fact that it is killing those sites should tell everyone whats up.

It might not be positive like everyone wants but I see the one main reason steemit is dying is the flagging system. If nothing was done about it when everyone started leaving because of it, and all the talk about it then they are never ging to do anything about it, especially if dan and ned are still out flagging people out of opinion. its to late for steemit and that is why I think they are planning to rebrand it and start over after they think about all the things that went wrong with steemit while relaxing on everyones money that invested on something that was expected to fail from the beginning all the while saying it was only getting better if we wait it out and invest more.
Sry about the rant.

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