
Yeah well I did say it in the comments too. But the reason I flagged is because he's advocating for people to drop medication that keeps them alive, also it might encourage HIV-positive people to spread their contagion.

Not sure if it's a troll. May be a tinfoil-hat.

you would have to be wearing a couple foil hats to go that far off from reality.

Interesting conversation. Did you know that there are a growing number of doctors that off record confess that they would never ever take an HIV test because they are so ridiculously flawed? One of those doctors advises people who are forced to test by say, insurance companies, to keep taking tests until they get a negative result and then use that result.
Seriously, not a troll a doctor and he considers the medication to be worthless because it's a type of chemo that doctors stopped using to treat cancer, because it was considered to be too poisonous for cancer patients.

"Did you know that there are a growing number of doctors that off record confess that they would never ever take an HIV test because they are so ridiculously flawed?"

No, I didn't know this. Where do these doctors confess such things, and who are they? How do you know "a growing number" of doctors confess this if it's done "off the record"? Can I see some on the record statistics that prove your claim? Or is this just hearsay?

Good questions. By off the record I mean in interviews rather than as articles in medical journals. As to who they are, I'm afraid you'll have to research for yourself as I never keep records of my own research as it's for my entertainment.
Of course it's hearsay but since this is not a court of law (and sometimes hearsay is admissible in court under certain circumstances), it's irrelevant, as this is not a forum for scientific proofs but rather a chat amongst friends. You may wish to take yourself a little less seriously, it will expand your mind.

Since I'm unable to respond to you in the other conversation (6-levels deep) I have to reply to you in this one.

He should have said "...than my doctor with regards to cancer."

No. He should not have said anything. His whole conspiracy theory was unproven and that particular statement made him look stupid even before his futile little argument, which was nothing different to the HIV guy's irresponsible "quit your meds" rant.

The rest of your post was non-passable as evidence, since you provided no references to any of your claims or mentioned statistics. At least for now, I will consider everything you said anecdotal hearsay.

Its being hearsay doesn't affect whether or not it's true or false and with a comment, as opposed to an article, there is no requirement for references!
Whether or not you wish to retain an open mind and research for yourself is, of course, entirely up to you.
Also, it appears that you believe theories shouldn't be discussed until they are proved. Not exactly a logical point of view.

I managed to break the reply chain, you probably didn't see my reply to you, so I'll link it here.

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