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RE: The YouTube Ρurge Is In Full Swing: Ρress For Τruth's Dan Dicks Receives Strike And Is Censored

in #steemit7 years ago

He has had people call him out on live chats about the censorship on this platform and he dodges the question and parrots the lie that there is no censorship but then adds a "but someone could if they had the power but thats not going to happen" when it is happening and been happening from the begining of the platform.

it wasent something he said on this post, i just found it funny that when other people try to get him to talk about the censorship on steemit (in live chat promiting steemit) he goes quiet but when he gets censored it suddenly becomes an issue. Im sure if his account was to get censored here on steemit he would all of a sudden start talking about it.

I use to love press for truth but the moment i realized dan was willing to flat out lie about steemit to make it sound better while he shilled for it so he could get some extra cash from the platform was the moment i realized i could no longer trust anything that comes from press for truth.
if they are willing to deniy that censorship happens on this platform for 5 bucks in upvotes then no clue what they are willing to say for a real chunk of money.


Thank you for taking the time to respond so clearly and thoroughly. I really appreciate that. I'm a complete noob here (today is my first day), but I just read through the post and comments @ regarding censorship and how it occurs here on Steemit. I found the whole censorship situation (via flagging if I understand correctly) to be quite surprising and discouraging. Glad to be here though as it still seems better than the situation on YouTube. Maybe...

its a great platform in my opinion but some things need to be fixed.
Welcome to steemit by the way. there are alot of great people on here, its better to not dive down the steemit censorship tunnel yet. lol its deep.

If enough anticensorship people arive from the comming migration maybe something can finally be done about it.
As of right now its just better to accept it for what it is. sjw controled censorship where the meanings of words can be changed at any moment to mean anything that supports their narritive.

sry bout the rant.

Have a great evening and steem on!

Thank you, and rant on! :D

At this time, I am really a content consumer, not a content producer, with the exception of comments. Nonetheless, the reason that I'm here on steemit is because of the growing censorship on YouTube, FB, etc.

And that is why I've dived into the censorship subject right away. If this is only going to be another platform to be censored, I don't want to waste my time and energy getting up to speed only to discover that it's as bad as, or worse than, YouTube/FB. I am still hopeful that that is not the case.

Hey, by the way, is that "L" from Death Note? Amazing anime.

Yeah its L, love that anime.

You can make more from comments then posts alot of the time. (especially if you make a comment on a whales post thats stroking their ego*)

I originally came here from twexit back in 2016 for the same reasons as i was told this was a free speech and anti censorship platform.

I dont want to rag on the platform to bad to someone new, i do love this place and still believe it has great potential. i have made some good friends and had some great conversations and have made a little bit of money too. with that said.....

there is censorship on steemit if you define censorship as the "suppression of information". things can change with the forks and they are slowly getting better.

I wouldnt say its horrible, but its better then anything else i have come across yet. makes you pay to post and comment and after i posted about an exploit in their system they erased all my posts and comments and blocked my account. lol

As long as you dont learn about how the steemit system works or start calling out corruption or the whales on the platform you should be fine. lol

Its just the first day........

I would say stick around, you could have alot of fun. but i wouldnt stop looking for other platforms like i did. sooner or later someone will create a trully free speech anti-censorship platform and we will all flock there so quick they servers will crash for two weeks like had happen before it got sold and censored. lol

If you find something better let me know but as of right now this shitstorm called steemit is the best i know of.


Hey guys, can we talk about the censorship on a platform designed specifically to make censorship impossible? can we please have this conversation once more? All this censorship and not one altered post or comment, not one removed or altered byte.

It's censorship and suppressive even though in this post you proved that those things don't even exist:

Self deFence.

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