Movie Quote Contest - Steemit Parody Quote Contest - Win SBD!!!!! - #12

in #steemit6 years ago

I am going to pick a movie, the best "Steemit parody quote" in the comment section will win 1 SBD, second best 0.5 SBD.

What is a "Steemit parody quote" you ask?

Here is an example.

Movie: Dazed and confused

Original quote:
"You act like you’re so oppressed. you guys are kings of the school. What are you bitching about?"

Steemit parody quote version:
You act like you’re so oppressed. you guys are kings of Steemit. What are you bitching about?


Ok, now lets move on.

This contest is based off the movie Fight Club

Here is my entry into the contest even though I cant win.

Rules for the contest.

1- Upvote the post.

2- Leave a comment with your steemit parody quote from the movie Fight Club.

Thats it!!!!!!!

If I cant find the original quote you are parodying you might get asked for it.

Once the 7day lock in happens I will pay out to the best (in my opinion) Parody Steemit quotes from the movie Fight Club. Other peoples comments and votes about and on entries are taken into account.

Here is a link to the movie if you have not seen it.

Cheers Steemit and hope we can have some good laughs with this game.

Dont forget to check out @cathi-xx 's and @o07 's daily contests.

Steemit to the moon!


Gentlemen, welcome to Steemit. The first rule of Steemit is: you do not ask for followers. The second rule of Steemit is: you do not ask for followers! Third rule of Steemit: Once seven days pass, your post is over. Fourth rule: Only five tags can be used. Fifth rule: One upvote at a time. Sixth rule: No spam, no stolen content. Seventh rule: Posts can be as long as they need to. And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time on Steemit, you get 15 delegated Steem power.

Just give it to this guy !!


Still 7 more days and no limit on number of entries. hopefully more people will jump in and try.



copy of a copy of a copy of a copy

That line freaked out alot of people back in the day.

that was one of my favorite lines ever.

there were a bunch
"i want to have your abortion" was another that they didnt pick.
i guess getting fucked in grade school is better then wanting an abortion.
not that i would wish either on anyone.
your favorite because of shock value? i can think of alot of lines in fight club i hold higher then that line as amusing as it is.

just for shock value. that was one of the few movie lines that actually ever made me spit my drink out laughing. It is just a totally unexpected thing like the gun going off and exploding the cat in Boondock saints.

the gun going off in pulp fiction killing the guy in the back seat, i lost my shit and everyone else was just looking at me in silence and shock.
damn i havent seen boondock saint in years, might have to watch it tonight.

oh fuck, pulp fiction. Some guys in my hometown got in a shit ton of trouble for making a stencile and using it to spray paint " dead n****r storage" on a bunch of dumpsters and trash cans as a quote from that movie. I am talking hate crime levels of trouble.

you have no idea how much the idea of that made me smile, im sure to people not understanding the context of the joke it might be offencive but god damn thats some funny shit.
thats fucked they have hate crime on there record now, could be worse thought. my homie in 9th grade took a piss in a bush when we ditched school one day and the cops pulled up on us and he was hit with public indecency and it was a year after they passed the sex offender law so he was put on the list. to this day if you look his name up it comes up on the list with his house location mapped out. lol he did nothing wrong but thats something you have to fuck with someone about any chance you get. no where as epic as dead nig storage though. if he did that now days he would be a lifer. lol
the world is fucked.

that reminded me of a a joke i heard somewhere. " you know what butt sex and brocli have in common ? If they are forced on you as a child you will never like them as an adult. "

oh man my comeback is so obvious but i can pull myself to post is as i know people would love to screen shot it and use it out of context.

Original: "Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

ZomboMeme 30032018214901.jpg

You're the all-posting, all-commenting crap of the Steemit Community.

omg love it!

Narrator: What are you talking about? This is not a fucking plagiarizer! This is a good steemian! He's a friend, and you're not going to downvote him into the fucking toilet.

Angel Face: He was downvoted serving Project Haejin, sir.

Narrator: This is Bernie.

Steph: But in Project Haejin, we have no names.

Narrator: No, listen to me. This is a man and he has a name and it's Bernie Sanders, okay?

Mechanic: Bernie Sanders.

Narrator: He has been flagged now, because of us, all right? You Understand that?

Mechanic: I understand. In being flagged, a member of Project Haejin has a name. His name is Bernie Sanders.

Narrator: Stop it! Stop it!

Everyone: His name is Bernie Sanders! His name is Bernie Sanders!

Narrator: This is all over with!


i looked at it, not sure if i should say anything.
i typed out a comment to it, not sure if i will hit post yet.
if i do it will either be me replying with info on what they are wrong about and the truth on whats going on (maybe my account will get killed) or me getting paid by my whale stalker to stfu and in all honesty iof he is willing to start paying me to not talk about the facts i will be quiet but its getting to the point where my silence is no longer going to come from fear of losing my 30 cents a day im making off this site.

So @berniesanders i hope you see this and can understand where im coming from, information is the new gold and my silence is going to come at a bit of a fee (prolly less then you make off 2 comments but none the less).
dont say im maming a threat bernie cause im not, im just stating what im thinking and the direction i might be going as i can no longer buy my 2 ramens a day off steemit. my silence is worth more then that right?

sorry bout all that to bernie stuff jazz, shits fucked up. i know everyone wants to fix whats going on but alot of the people in power are counteractive to what they claim to be their goals.
i will finish all my replies and double look my comment to the poster. it might be better if i didnt comment cause my guess is the poster is going to get triggered when i point out where he/she has no clue what they are talking about and where they are wrong when i would just be correcting them to point out where they are wrong when trying to explaine to others how stufff is when they dont even get it.

idk, bit drunk tonight. hpe im not acting more of an ass then usuall.

Discretion is the better part of valor. Lol.

im still not sure, shits fucked up and someone needs to fix it.

"You met me at a very strange time of my Power Down."

"Everything is a Resteem of a Resteem of a Resteem."

"Reaching (0) isn't a weekend retreat, it's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go. Let go."

That was fun! :D

The first rule of Steemit is you do not ask for upvotes.


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