I Got The Hell Outa NXT And Wont Be Trading Coins Ever Again

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I took a huge loss. I could have sold at a profit quick but I thought the coin was going up. After the 2 coins I lost money on skyrocketed less then an hour after dumping I told myself this time I wouldn't get scard by a small dip and wait it out till it goes back up.

Almost 3 days of watching it dropping. I looked again after dumping all my coins at a loss and im glad I did. its dropping so fast now. I broke even money wise because of the huge spike in bitcoin the last 3 days but my bitcoin balance is lower and that hurts.

I will never be trading coins again. Ill stick with steemit and bitcoins.

Good learning lesson though, cost a lot but good lesson to learn.

Cheers Steemit.



The best way to trade is without emotions, that's why you need to stock with your plan. It is a learning curve. Best of luck.

It was my 4th day trading ever and I knew nothing about what I was buying. It wasent emotions that got in the way it was my lack of understanding what I was doing and then me getting out because I realized I do not have enough info to trade stuff.
maybe if I learn more about something in the future but as of right now I feel bitcoin is where I should have kept my money.
Thanks or the comment and best of luck to you too.

It seems to be the same with Steem, Bitcoin goes up, Steem goes down, Bitcoin goes down, Steem still goes down.

Bro it dropped so hard. im glad I dropped when I did. I woulda lost like half at this point instead of a tenth.
Yeah I still don't understand how to get the best out of my steem. I do know bitcoin is just starting to begin on its take over of the world. most the people I try to talk to about it have no clue and just give me a look like im trying to explain computer schematics. Im not sure if its a good or bad thing but I see bitcoin becoming the one world currency. with a cap at 21 million coins I think it is best to grab anything and everything you can now. another coin might rise up to over throw bitcoin but it will be a bit befoe that happens. also the laws are not even set up fully so things might change fast.
I do with I saved my 1.6k till it got up higher then 0.7 when I sold. my brain was just fucked from the constant flagging from bitch Bernie.
In all honesty until I had the first paper money in my hand from it I did not understand it all.
I sent my buddie in cali 20 bucks and sence then it has become like 22 bucks. that's less then a week, with a groth like that I feel stupid for even trying to trade my bitcoins.
I think if they actually fix the censorship problem this place could become something huge. I posted a solution but no one gives a fuck. Most the people in power want it to stay how it is and the people that argue about it on seemit dont want a solution caus then they don't have something to argue about.
steemit has gone up a bit recently but unless they get some new people or fix the problem that has been there from the beginning then it will keep dropping.
The race for a free speech platform is needed and quick. the question is will steemit fil the gap in the market or will they stay censored tlaiming they aren't while censoring people that point out how its censored.

sry for the long rant.

That last post you made was sick, I checked it out last night I think. or day b4. how come u don't post as often as you use to? spending more time per post or just not posting as much?

Sorry if I don't upvote as much as I use to. its cause I waste it making myself visable. I only get to make like 5 osts and 10 comments a day b4 im out of voting power.

cheers lifeworship and thanks for the comment! I really appericate it as I haven't bee getting sht for interaction. and that's what I actually care about more so then the money. don't get me wrong money is nice though.

Most people still don't even know that cryptocurrency exists, or are not able to conceive of what it means. I was at a coin shop the other day, and told the guy that I'm putting some of my holdings into cryptocurrency. He said 'what's cryptocurrency?'.

I haven't been posting lately, mostly from boredom. It seems like in order to get any interaction, or get any vote interest, I have to declare war on someone, the UN or mandatory vaccinators or someone. I'll eventually run out.

It's cool though, I hope to pick up posting soon. I've been doing lots of reading. My learning process has been disrupted by Steemit. I need to find time to do both.

I have thought about signing up for the Steemit Science fest. The flat Earth thing is kind of getting up my nose. I think the global distribution of Steemians could be leveraged to prove the Earth is a rough oblate spheroid by planting posts in various locations around the Earth, and measuring the shadows at correlated times of day. Shadows should measure differently on a plain and a sphere. It would be a distributed Steem science experiment. I haven't worked out the details yet. Honestly, I thought this was all worked out a long time ago. It's why we have seasons.

You need your votes more than I do, no need to worry about it.

It's not that I've only taken a break from posting. I've been leaving my followed and followers in the lurch. I hope to be back voting and posting soon.

That idea about proving the earth is round by having a bunch of steem members uloading photos in different areas around the world is awesome.

I can see how steemit would get in the way of reading time. hell steemit time talks p a lot of time no matter that you would rather use it for. lol

hopefully ill be in the positive soon and back to upvoting too.

been super busy irl so I don't get on as much as I use to either. trying to chang e that and turn my steemit account aound.
time will tell

Give me input to make you a banner for the top of your posts. im not working with pain no more so even input on what it should cover and stuff.
Im working on a Obama rotoscope and talking head, that's how board and lacking of input I am right now.
be my muse!

Sorry for the delay. Your replies weren't showing up.

What kind of info are you looking for?

no worries it happens with a negative rep.
I honestly don't remember what I was asking for info about. lol
How u been bro? what u been up 2?

The beauty of NXT/ARDR platform is in simplicity and strong reliability on mother chain; with a good security model of NXT and Forging capacity in ARDOR mother chain all child chains will be in secure position allowing all child chain trade simply and exchange easily under ARDOR and after IGNIS implementation as a first child under ARDOR exactly same NXT Platform will be replicated under secure ARDOR platform. They are a future of the DIGITAL currency if their idea won't be twisted and replicated by Geniuses like Vitalik Butring and other smart Crypto founder.

So its actually a good investment in the long run u think?

Watch NXT have a huge rally sometime in the future, lol

yeah I wouldn't be supprise if it was later today. that's what happened when I dumped my omg coins and qtum. it was like moments after they skyrocketed to new highs. that's why I stuck with this one for 3 days. didn't want to dump then watch it shoot to the moon. if I would have left it all in my bitcoin wallet I would have made a couple hundred the last 3 days instead of breaking even money wise and losing bitcoins. I hate losing bitcoins.

I don't think this wave is going to get backto where I bought in for a long time. I bought at the lowest pointthe coin had been in a couple months. its still dropping fast and hard. I looked up info on nxt and the reson it had its last 2 spikes is because the creator gave away coins to people holding them. was something like for every 16 coins you had he gave you one. that's oer now so price might die.i thought it was just another crypto coin I didn't realize its a program to message and stuff that is blockchain based.
I ust looked back at nxt and its still dropping super fast.

Great post Thanks for sharing


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