in #steemit7 years ago

steemit1000 copy

I made this before the update but couldnt post it and now with the new logo it seems kind of pointless.

Not sure if it was a productive use of my time now that its the wrong logo.

Cheers Steemit!

Donate schmeckles (bitcoin) for more lame shit?



If you re-did this with the new logo it would look so "retarded".

(I put that in quotes in case any w*nkers read this and feel the need to speak to me.)


As someone diagnosed with a mild retardation and have had to live with the stigma all my life, this is extremely offensive, even though you make a fair point:

The new logo definitely looks more retarded than me.

You aren't allowed to be triggered or offended because I used quotes which is like crossing your fingers behind your back, so there, now let's go and get that curry you've been jabbering on about, w*anker!

Just stop using the "R word" it is extremely offensive!

You aren't allowed to be triggered or offended because I used quotes which is like crossing your fingers behind your back

This is the most retarded thing I have ever heard!

Now let's go and get that curry you've been jabbering on about

Ok, but you have to carry the bag, because my fingers are being retarded today.


This word is extremely offensive to British People!

"wanker" :)

You just went full retard!

I think @cathi-xx and @gonzo are hilarious!!!
More! More!

Thanks man :)

u 2 got me cracking up!
you should do a talk show/pod cast!

u 2 got me cracking up!
you should do a talk show/pod cast!

We did a few podcasts, the last was block chain buddies
lucky for me, @cathi-xx didn't drop any R-bombs.

I can't even imagine what it would be like to be hated by the retarded community.

They say retarded people have the strength of a gorilla when mad, whatever yo do avoid retarded gorillas!

I might have to do it so we have a side by side comparason.
Its sad that you have to put things in quotes because the easily offended might throw a flagging tantrum.

Also some people pay big money for a good spanking.

The real power that is the steem blockchain (behind steemit etc.) , will never miss that logo!

I prefer the old logo but if the new logo is here to stay ima have to get use to it.

now that i think about it after reading your comment im glad its the old logo not the new one cause the power of steemit does come from the coin not the interface.

i agree i like the old logo better. it is still the icon used for posts that are powered up too. so it is the symbol for STEEM POWA!

Yeah the old logo is all that matters imo.
im not to pleased with the new colors either but whatever, could be worse.

The thing about colours is that they are all great if you use them in a medium where they are suitable for their purpose and mint/cyan, whatever the fuck it is, is a shitty colour for screens!

They obviously didn't bother to ask anyone without 20/20 vision what they thought before they rolled it out. Lucky they didn't use it anywhere where it really matters.

That is my main complaint, its harder to see. night mode is ok i guess when the room is dark but idk it just is a crappy choice imo. i remember like 5 years ago when cyan and pink were all the rage and i hated them back then too. its as bad as when gangsters were trying to sport powder pink polo shirts. smfh

its what ever though, ill get use to it at some point.

Just wish more time was spent on the stuff that matters not the way the site looks. looked fine a year ago, now............ ehh its ok.

maybe they made the graphic interface change for people on phones? idk

Roses are red, violets are blue the steemster is on Steemit and so are you!!

roses are red, my heart is black. i post what i want and flaggots flag attack.

The old logo is still the logo for the Steem blockchain. The new logo is for, which is a front end for the Steem blockchain.

Steem !=

Many people get this confused, so the branding should make it more clear. You can still use the "old" logo because it is not really old.

Thats good because the front end is getting worse imo and i like the old logo better.

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