@desmonid Is Proud to Censor Steemit out of Opinion

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This person @desmonid flagged a post of mine, they have so much steem power that with one flag it makes my post transparent and makes is so none of the picts or anything can be seen. It also cancels all the upvotes on it.
So of course I asked the person why. here is the short exchange we had. I'm sure I will hear back from the douche bag in a little. I'm going to post this link in the reply I send so hopefully they respond here. so here is how it has gone so far.

why did you flag my post? because you disagree with my opinion?

I already told you its because your anti-feminist article was shit and I intended to use my power to make it less visible. Using the flag is central to this platform and I'm not going to stop just because it made you sad.

P.S. I really don't care if you down vote me on your throwaway accounts, especially with me already having been paid out on the articles you hit.

so I just responded with this:

Ok so first, Your flagging out of opinion, I can back up every statement I have made with facts. Oh no, your fweelings hurt when u see a post you disagree with. awwww poor baby. better go flag that person till they stop posting stuff you don't like or leave steemit completely.

It does not hurt my feeling, your the one upset flagging people because you disagree with there point of view. Anyone that you don't agree with you are pushing away from steemit and word is spreading about this site and that is why it is dying, and fast. Hope you like watching your investment go to shit because you care more about censoring people with differing opinions then helping steemit grow and not have a shit reputation for censoring anyone that might not agree with you.

Second, I have no clue what your talking about with throw away accounts. I have not flagged you and this is my only account. Stop telling lies.

So thank you for proving the people with steem power abuse it and push people away that don't agree with your narrative 100%. You are killing steem with your actions, I hope you realize that.

So does the steemit community support his actions of flagging people or will the community let @desmonid know that it is wrong to censor people for any reason? he could have left a comment, but they prefer to be a SJW and flag and destroy an account.

I'm sure this asshole will respond, if not in this post I will add it to this post. xD


While I agree that I didn't like your feminism article (I read your comments and saw the embedded video), it wasn't worthy of a downvote.....

It also wasn't really worth any upvotes (in my own opinion) either, because it did not contain very much unique content, and was nothing more than a couple of sentences and a video embedded that you did not create. A couple of sentences isn't worth much.

When @desmonid said "because your article was shit".. he should have elaborated a little more as to "why it was shit", because when he doesn't, it does appear that he flagged it because of your opinion.. and not because of the lack of unique content contained within the article.

So I will side with you here, @desmondid was probably wrong to flag it (or if he was correct to flag it because of lack of content, he should have said so before downvoting it. "something being shit" is not a proper description.)

However, I can't upvote this particular post calling him out, because I disagree with you not using intelligent language to put your point across. In this post you called him a douche bag, a poor baby, and an asshole.

While that's how you may feel, I think there is a high road here that could have been taken without treating steemit like some sort of back alleyway to fight things out in public.

Perhaps @desmondid is misguided. I also think you may be misguided in the way you approach a situation like this as well. That's just my opinion, and I don't upvote articles that don't match my opinion. I just abstain.

So I abstain here.

Thank you for the comment on my post.

When @desmonid said "because your article was shit".. he should have elaborated a little more as to "why it was shit", because when he doesn't, it does appear that he flagged it because of your opinion.. and not because of the lack of unique content contained within the article.
I know for a fact its because it was opinion, him and his friend @beanz have been doing this and they constantly comment back and forth to each other about how great their feminist posts are.

However, I can't upvote this particular post calling him out, because I disagree with you not using intelligent language to put your point across.
I was not posting this to get upvotes, I want to help the community or find out that this kind of act is supported. then I can base my decision to leave steemit or stay. Can you please tell me what I said that was "unintelligent language"? I do not see using descriptive words like "douche bag, a poor baby, and an asshole" to be unintelligent. Maybe rude or offencive to some people but don't understand how that equates to intelligence, please fill me in if you can.

I think there is a high road here that could have been taken without treating steemit like some sort of back alleyway to fight things out in public.
What other way do I have to defend myself from this action? Im not going to flag people so I do not see any other option besides bringing the situation myself and others are going thru daily to the community to try to come up with a solution. If you have any ideas of other way I could handle this I would love to hear them so I can pursue it correctly.

Thank you for your input and not downvoting this post because you disagree with it. TTYS about how this can be better resolved I hope.

Oh, just the name calling... it just brings you down to the same level as him. It's hard to side with someone when they are resulting to that level. You have a very valid concern. Using regular words to express it packs a much harder punch because it shows you're more articulate and intelligent than him.

I really don't want to get in the middle here too much. I just wanted to share my thoughts. It's unfortunate no one else took the time to comment. Perhaps they read the article and saw fighting and name calling, and basically left to go read something more pleasant.

Or they support censorship.

I doubt swear words have anything to do with It.

I also don't see how swear words bring me to the level of someone that is censoring people because they have opinions that differ but oh well. Guess this site is not only pro censorship but also anti free speech (curse words).

The right to free speech is the right to offend.

I find it funny how this is causing a lot of people to quit, and steem value is dropping fast as word gets round. Everyone ignores the elephant in the room tho.

You can ignore reality but you can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

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