
I understand you sometimes I feel that way

we have all been there.

Feels accurate! Always chasing, but never quite getting there haha

yeah, bout how i feel.

I'm chasing it, too. but I'm doing better than the 1 or 2 pennies I was getting, so there is hope for me. And you are getting better than 1 or 2 pennies, so you're doing something right. fingers crossed for all of us. :)38.gif

Yeah, keeping at it surly pays off in the end.
1-2 pennies isnt bad either, think my first 6 months on this site i didnt even make a dollar.
thanks for checking out my post and commenting!


@skeptic, this gif is a very creative way of summarizing how most of us feel about Steemit. We all share in that feeling at some point on Steemit, I believe that phase will pass anyway.

Hopefully it will.
I might always be chasing after the steem though.

Fun fact is that we were built for the chase. In prehistoric times humans would hunt larger animals by startling them with loud noises and would run after the animal not intending to jump on it and attack it like a lion but rather to keep it running for a long distance till it collapsed from exhaustion. So just keep chasing, it is what we do.

Makes sense, i dont think i could stop chasing steem if i tried at this point.
Image result for cant stop wont stop gif

This is my current state of mind to grab as many as possible

Same, always a bit out of reach.

How much is enough?

Image result for how much is enough

Just a little bit more.

AHhahaha i'll have to steal this img XD sry

Its from google.
Its what John D. Rockefeller said when asked how much is enough.

My snapped a few day ago, can you lend me one extra ?

Sure here you go.

lol !! we think this new post would bring more upvote and make us become whale , but eventually history repeats :(

same day over and over.

Lift the tongs over your face, and problem solved .. LOL

If you do that you get flagged.

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