
Thought crimes are not theoretical, and myriad examples reveal that states do prosecute and penalize them today and have for years. Julian Assange is an egregious example of this, but far less apparent means are far more often undertaken to do so. Shadow banning is not a new development, nor limited to social media, as can be understood from researching financial mechanisms used to prevent communities from rational development undertaken by inhabitants and limiting equity to approved entities.

I have long advocated mesh networks, which have proven to surmount platform based censorship during political unrest in the last decade. From Egypt to Hong Kong, civilian development and use of mesh networks has enabled dissidents to maintain communications despite platform level surveillance and censorship.

Absent far wider reach and broader distribution of such mechanisms, free speech as facilitated on Steem will soon be impossible. I have personally been censored on every platform I have undertaken to speak forthrightly on, including Gab, Pocketnet, and every other platform enabling accounts. It is why I am concerned about the transfer of equity from extant owners of Stinc to institutions more closely associated, or even captive, to actors undertaking surveillance and censorship.

Back in the day, Lopht began developing a mesh network using satellite dishes and bespoke microwave communications networks on public bandwidths. Despite their strong motivations, this effort was unable to become viable due to lack of a market, as the vast majority of individuals were not nominally motivated to adopt that mechanism.

As time goes on, deception and deliberate restraint of surveillance and censorship resulting from it has lulled the West into complacency. I expect that until marked repression of free speech impacts society more directly, such developments will continue to remain irrelevant, and after such impacts provide nominal incentive such development and adoption will be impossible.

We see this occurring in China today, as Uighurs, Falun Gong, and other dissidents are horrifically censored and repressed, including by having their organs terminally removed, and their families separated with men going to concentration camps and women given as chattel to politically determined owners. It's too late for Chinese dissidents to develop and deploy mesh networks today, due to the competence of the surveillance state to intervene, and bad actors will adopt proven mechanisms as developments necessitate everywhere else.

I hope this is no more than a rumor, but am prepared to take action necessary to maintain security.


That kind of attitude will end humanity as you know it.

Life existed for thousands of years before digital communication, it might be time to rediscover these roots of humanity.

Just a thought eh?

We have gardens. We distill water. It is so delicious.

The privatization of the Earth's carbon through multinational corporations buying all the carbon credits neoliberal governments price out of reach of ordinary businesses and civilians enables globalists to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere lower than is necessary to support gardening.

Below 150ppm all plants will starve to death, and this will utterly destroy natural ecosystems and gardens alike, leaving humanity utterly dependent on Big Agra, that owns all the carbon through carbon credits, for food and life itself.

It is already illegal in Oregon to collect rainwater that falls on your roof.

Without deploying modern technology and opposing institutional power over natural resources that destroy the ability of individuals to provide their own existentially necessary goods and services, like food and water, we will be forced into smart, cities, and become chattel to overlords that own the multinational corporations.

Eventually, low tech solution like gardens and rain barrels will not be enough to keep us alive. We will need indoor aquaponics and cryptic water and power sources to provide our life sustaining resources and remain secure from corporate overlords.

I'm starting to wonder if ^you^ are the A.I.

Such incredible knowledge about almost every topic imaginable.

Do you ever sleep?

nervous chuckle

Sadly, I was impacted by some unscrupulous matters of business today, which has caused me no little distress. I am already hours delayed in hitting the rack. When I was younger, I claimed sleep was the enemy, that I would sleep when I was dead. Today I crave sleep I cannot get, and tonite is one more day in the last week I expect to get only a couple hours.

I do actually sleep too little, and type too much, but spend a lot more time reading, which those better authors and sources of information enable me to glean from reading them. You do flatter me.


Is general AI already here ?

Posted using Partiko iOS

No, and it's unlikely to become possible anytime soon. The stark difference in complexity between our extant digital devices and even Archaea, life forms that pre-existed multicellular life, is nearly incomprehensible, multiple orders of magnitude different.

Limited AI, such as the apps we use daily, Steemit, Excel, those that run our phones, are burgeoning almost as incomprehensibly as how much more complex living things are, and are soon to impact decentralized technology enabling individual means of production that will concomitantly render institutional power obsolete, and with it the lure of Skynet and some global generalized AI overlord.

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