Well, it's good to be first?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

LOL this is rich... or tragic. You be the judge.

@whatsup dropped this in steamspeak discord earlier tonight and I just happened to be scrolling through there looking for a funny meme I had seen, when I noticed it.

So I know why he muted me, which is by and large the same reason aggroed can't stand me. It's because I expect them to be accountable for their shallow behaviors, and their tendency to take the glory for other people's ideas and efforts, not to mention ultimately in some way profiting from the same, while barely showing up on the chain themselves and expecting others to promote them all the time.

Word is rolling into me that Ned has basically muted anyone who ever challenged him, or held him accountable. That smells like fear, and I'm pretty sure it's warranted, as the place continues to lose it's best and brightest, while he ignores them.

In other words. People with substance and backbone scare people like them, because we expose what integrity looks like and they don't really have much of it, in either case. Nobody likes to say that outloud, because of whatever reason. Maybe because they are suckups, or hypnotized cult members, or they are afraid of the whale retaliation, or being shunned and on and on, all of which have manifested themselves around these alleged "leaders".

But ask yourselves, what have these people really done, but line their own pockets at other people's expense?

So, I suppose it makes sense he would mute me. But look at some of the other names.

Heimindanger is a person you may or may not like in person, but there is absolutely no arguing that dtube (his creation) is anything BUT a driving force in what is still keeping this place alive in the absence of innovation or functional updates from steemit inc, for example.

Bernie, who has a ton of money in the platform, may or may not be everybody's cup of tea, but hes got more stake than anybody else who will read this post, so you can damn well bet Ned should be making him happy if he wants his company to stay alive, not pissing him (and the rest of us) off by barely managing to manage his company which very much has this "decentralized" platform by the cajones.

kafkanarchy and nonamesleftouse? These two are both brilliant minds, future thinkers, and artists of their own right and of merit. Exactly the kinds of users that can make or break this place. I sort of considered myself in this category as well, and tried hard for 20 months to contribute, in ways most of you already know about as well.

So muting these users? Alienating these users? Just more rookie moves by an amateur with no prior experience, in way over his head.

I don't know the others at all, but the names above? We would have been and HAVE been some of steems biggest cheerleaders and contributors to the ecosystem. Shit, we did everything we could to help stop the user attrition and to build the communities that you were told to stay for after coming for the money.

But at least he ignored me first? I guess that means I made an impact. And that makes me chuckle through the tears and blood I've shed for this place.

I hear whaleshares.io, scorum and smoke are nice places to visit this time of year.

Maybe it's time for a little exploratory mission into some of these alternatives, I see a ton of the people who have left here since I've been here for the last year and half, are already there.

As sincerely as I've always been,


Ned is a fucking joke.

Has he muted me yet? He and his STINC employees won’t even engage with me, so it’s pretty much the same thing.

It goes without saying that the “leadership” for Steem and Steemit is mostly comprised of utter amateurs and incompetents. The continually falling market cap rankings are a direct result of their failures. That’s too bad. Steem started off with so much promise, only to be pissed down the drain by people who can’t economics or social media. SMTs will be more of the same...or much, much worse.

And here we were, people with decades of tech experience, ready to make it great. Marginalized for being right. Every.single.time.

Well said dude.


I stopped posting when I started getting constantly flagged by a certain member of Steemit inc and his little crew of pathetic followers.
The piss poor leadership is going to destroy the platform eventually unless there are real changes, it’s a shame.

Off-topic; nice to see u around again!

When can we expect your next awesome posts???

Funny who you find out you have things in common with. Check out some of the alt sites, I've found them to feel a lot like the "old days"... refreshing.

You giving up bro, really?

No, I'm not gonna let the terrorists win. ;) But I may find more enjoyable places for R&R between battle rounds.

if steem were really decentralized this shouldn't even matter. unfortunately it isn't. i'm sure ned wants it to succeed, but he needs to be a little more self aware that this platform needs protection from himself :)

Ain't that the truth!

People who mute people on a regulatory basis, have a problem of not living in the real world.

This is accurate.

Nice mutes.

Echo chamber creation in progress

Hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me...

Hiding behind down-voting does not take care of underlying problem. Really hope the big boys put their big panties on, come swooping in to the rescue...

![Image Source:]

Hiding, and being evasive, are only necessary if you are outgunned or in this case, unable to defend against the things being put at ya, right?

So basically, copping out is copping out. An adult, mature, experienced CEO would handle his business, not make himself look ridiculous by being evasive.

Too many false promises being made of late, business ethics appear to have lost moral compass.

When offered assistance/advice any business should actively look into immediately. KYC policy adopted or people leave.

Working with public especially where finance is implemented answers can only come from the top, then trickle down.

All of that is true.

I have been seeing a little from Smoke.io.
Since I live in Oregon there is a genuine allure. Always glad to see your posts, irony really is my cup of tea.

Sounds like we share a taste for irontea

I didn't think muting did anything? 😂 wtf does it do.

nothing. but ned can use it as a blacklist for his plans to lock certain people out?

Indeed he can, along with @blacklist and @blacklist-a (im on blacklist-a)

Not much, chain wide, but here on "steemit.com" itself, they respect the mute code which hides people from your feeds - it may not even mute comments. It's basically like virtue signalling, people keep doing it, and the rest of us just sort of roll our eyes and mock them.

Oh right, yeah I see spammers muting mack-bot, spaminator etc from time to time. That's not going to stop anything 😁

Anyway looks like you have been marked!!! 😂 keep both eyes open 👀

lol, I really fear exactly zero things :)

From what I have been reading Steem is very centralized. There where major issues with it and stuff called into question when it was first launched.

Oh that's a very true thing. And I've got reams of documentation about it.

Well @sircork, don't count me in on that exclusive list yet. I've checked and apparently I am not figuring on that Hall Of Fame just yet. But maybe soon, after have written this post tonight and if this elitist muting ends up becoming a trend.

Or maybe not. And I am still a too insignificant tiny weird crustacean of the abyssal fauna crawling way deep at the bottom of this ocean where my voice and the frequency of my chirping can't reach the heights where they feed themselves. ¿Who knows? If we judge by the amount of comments, interaction and upvotes/downvotes that I have previously obtained from them. I believe that my invisibility has always been more than assured. };)

bottom dwellers like you and me dont get muted... we are not important

Haha yeah, that may well be true my dear @nnnarvaez. But like a daredevil physicist, I must trust that the butterfly effect is an immutable truth. Indisputably we both are not gorgeous butterflies. But I bet that creepy raw-boned creatures crawling over the very bottom of this ocean can have the same chaos effect in no time without having to flap too much. };)

I see what you did there. :D

Ah YouAreHOPE. I know you are an attentive and acute observer. :)

You're a pretty guy, for a fly eye.

¿Ain't me cute? ;)

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