Steem Diary Entry 36 Season 2 - 11/9/2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit4 years ago

Dear Steemit Diary this is entry #36 for the Steemit Diary game Season 2, my alarm is set for 7.00 AM as I find this time to be working well for my schedule, today I got up for 7.51 AM much earlier as this is more like it!


Image By: @simonjay

So yesterday I got up with a good feeling that I would be able to atleast somewhat catch-up with a large chunk of things that I needed to get done.
This was because I had a sort shift giving me alot more of an opportunity to catch-up, in the end this seemed to have worked and it did help me with my sleep as since I felt like I actually got alot done giving me peace of mind.
I guess instead I just needed to be patient and it will hopefully work out.

And so with going to sleep earlier last night and sleeping better knowing I will catch-up eventually helped me manage to wake-up earlier this morning, which I have not managed for nearly a week now.
I hope to get things a little more back on track from now on or atleast for the remainder of the diary game.

I started by logging into Steemit and getting on with my daily online tasks and chores,I had high hopes for today since I didn't have work.
But I was meeting with a friend after she finishes work, this was later than usual so I had plenty of time, but once again tasks just seemed to be taking longer than they should be.

This was frustrating and even with completing them plus a few extra's I still thought I would of got more done.

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Image By: @simonjay

Anyway I next headed downstairs for breakfast, it was a late breakfast but I had bagels and bacon.

After breakfast I thought it would be a good idea to finally organise some more of my music, think the last time I done this must of been around near the beginning of season 2 of the diary game.
When I last left it I thought I was basically done but discovered there was still a little more, so today I happily ended up finishing it or atleast for now which felt great.

I still had a slight backlog of other things I needed to get done which I was really in hope would get done today but I only had one hour left before having to go meet my friend...

So I done what I could which I think was more then expected with the time I had left, I just told myself that with patience it will get done as I felt like I really needed a break.

I got changed grabbed my stuff and left the house to meet my friend, I was running a few minutes late but it turns out my friend got out of work late, so no problem.

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Image By: @simonjay

Outside the weather had been nice all day with the sun being out so when I got outside I honestly expected it to be warm but instead it was just very pleasant with abit of wind.

I meet my friend and we just hanged out for about two hours we talked about alot of things, one thing she mention which I was happy for was how well she was getting on with her new boss at work maybe she might even get a promotion.

Anyway it got dark really quickly and I left for home, once I got in I relaxed for a while and then got on with making dinner for tonight we had broccoli with fish.

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Image By: @simonjay

After dinner I listened to the news which seems to be getting more comical every day, seems there's more banning and re-openings of countries when it comes to travel once again, I continue to wonder why people put themselves through it all.. but anyway after I went back upstairs to write the Steemit Diary post and then I went to sleep.

And So That Concludes My Diary Entry For Today.


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[Follow Me Here @simonjay

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