
That good to hear what weirdo do?

When me and my sister got on the train as e passed where he was sitting my sister accidentally brushed passed he's bag moving it slightly, the guy didn't speak a word but looked at her like she just killed a child, he then got really fidgety and kept trying to hold he's bag in different positions, he then moved to a empty carriage.

lol maybe he one of them guy who have 3 laptop in it bag.

Perhaps @hotmangoes but I was tempted to tell the cleaner on board he seemed to be behaving strangely.

MAybe tell ticket officer he being weird.

Lol yeah he was there also, came later to check our tickets @hotmangoes.

Well good nothing happen.

Yes exactly, I kept my eye on him lol, would you believe on the next train there was another weirdo @hotmangoes.

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