Daily Steem Price Update 27/12/2021

in #steemit3 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 27/12/2021.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for over 5 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 27/12/2021.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate27122021.jpg


I hope everybody had a fantastic Christmas and boxing day and now unfortunately it's time to get back to work for many of us yuck lol. You probably noticed that the price of Steem did drop suddenly by a large amount by it's standards, previous times Steem done well to not be effected by the movements of Bitcoin but as it fell this time we were not so lucky. However certain movements do make it easier for reaching our target, SBD's also took a hit. They did recover, not as much as I was hoping for but better than nothing at all. With Steem being sold for cheaper I have definitely already seen a small increase on how much Steem I was able to get for my money. With some recent recovery from Bitcoins we can see Steem going up already. As for the weather I can't believe how mild it got again after the icy Christmas day we had, I hope it continues this way as I can deal with this temperature. I put on the extra layer today but probably would of been alright without it. The issue I spoke about not receiving messages from a particular friend turned into not receiving messages from anybody, but during Christmas when I had a few moments I tried a bunch of stuff that as helped somewhat. It appears I'm getting messages more consistently but still not all of them for some bizarre reason. Thought it was time to get a new phone but didn't really want to yet because the phone itself still looks almost new and works generally well. Another thing is for some reason I got banned from WhatsApp without a warning or reason, this is frustrating as it was a good way to communicate with far away family and some friends. Today I had work for the afternoon shift which I was glad about because it means after Christmas and boxing day I wouldn't have to rush in. I was somewhat surprised to not be doing my usual duties but didn't really mind plus I was working with one of the guys out of the 4 that I prefer. The work load wasn't much I honestly expected more, it didn't all get done and I admit I didn't rush, overall I wasn't that bad of a return day lol. Last time I was in it was very odd as there was a ton of work coming in for my department but yet the strange thing is the superiors decided to put me somewhere else. And what was really messed up was that I was completely on my own to get the work done. Now I normally don't mind this but not on another department.. this was a extremely stupid move on their part and for a moment I thought they done it again today. The work itself was impossible to get done efficiently as one person and in the end I think I won one over on them because I noticed a mistake. This was back on my actual department and right from the very beginning and warmed my colleagues about it. But seems they didn't get the memo and so while most of the work got done yes but it wasn't done correctly meaning it took someone else the following day a few hours to fix it all. Maybe that will teach them to leave the people who know the job already to get on with it but I doubt it, oh well it wasn't my mess to sort out after lol. Also soon after I got in they wanted me to stay extra for Christmas Eve I told them no, I thought perhaps I should of done so for the extra money but honestly if they were planning on doing again what they done above they can go stuff it. But in the end there was no doubt I made the right choice as I arrived home early for Christmas which honestly is rare these past years. I do believe that this Christmas was better than last years and a big reason as to why is because not only did I get home early for Christmas but also because I had boxing day off. I didn't have to put up with that annoying feeling that perhaps I better be careful during the festivities in-case I make myself unwell "this like ever happens" but still not having that made it so much more relaxing so I could just enjoy Christmas without worrying. The plant room somehow had a leak and so needs to be aired out or it could cause massive damage to the building. But the problem with this is the large vents inside which with the door open it let's in a ton of cold air "very close to were I work". So while the rest of the building is warm I was freezing but now I'm just glad that the door as now been shut again and the weather as been better milder. I helped my friend with the rest of their shopping I did enjoy the day out had some good food but by the time the presents were dropped and I arrived home it was much later then what I had intended. It's been strangely happening lately that receiving less sleep I feel like I have more energy, it makes no sense but surely it's not healthy to have a lack of sleep. Had a minor flu recently bizarre really because I was fine until on the very day when we all had to start wearing facemasks again. Now maybe I'm wrong but I honestly feel that's what triggered it as I started to have a dry throat then a splitting headache. Those around me who have nothing against masks admitted to also feeling a dry throat and being more thirsty from wearing one. We have to wear it apparently there is no choice in the matter. If you been reading you probably remember me mentioning about not attending this years Christmas party for various reasons and as I suspected the party was cancelled due to covid reasons. I'm glad as our boss made it strictly for only those who are currently working with us now and not those from past or even recent staff who left. I was invited to another party at a later date but again because of covid it was cancelled which I'm not too bothered about as the details were skewed. I was behind this year with some of the Christmas shopping well I thought I was done until I noticed I had left the wrong sized Christmas gift bag. The bag was basically way too big and honestly it would look really weird having a giant bag only for a few small bits so I had to quickly get to the shops to either find a smaller bag or buy something unexpansive to fill the bag, haha in the end I sort of done both. As for the progress on fitness I feel I lost about %70 of the weight gained by the lockdowns and so have continued to try and shed the weigh off by tracking my step count per-day and doing small daily workouts. I started all this back in mid April and continued until the beginning of October this is when my work schedules began to revert back to normal which makes it too difficult for me to continue. This is unfortunate as it's when I started trying the "hit" way, but with all the extra work I come to the conclusion that had to put it on hold until "New Year" is over. I will of course in the mean time still try to get in a workout, but so far this as not been possible. As for steps I must stress that the app for recording them is no longer working as it should and so I'm losing many steps each day "more than half are not being recorded" and the conclusion as now come that there must be something wrong with my phone and not the app which I must look into when I have time. Regardless we started the week poorly and so having reached a total today of 1k steps, out of the 105k weekly target.


🏅 We reached "🐬🐬QuinTUBLE DOLPHIN🐬🐬" on November 7th which means our collective STEEM POWER is now over 💪25000 SP!! There are around 500 Quintuple Dolphin accounts now and if you remember the previous numbers this means that the actual number of Dolphin accounts as been growing since my journey began between 20k to 25k, this is great news and I guess obvious as the price of Steem as indeed risen since then. So all together we hold around 12mil Steem, you joining us or what? Of course from here we will continue to collect and lock-up even more STEEM! My goal 🌍 is to now reach 30.000 SP🏆, hopefully by the end of June 2022. And so I want to thank everybody who does vote in and for their kind support. I have now been on here for over 5 years and never powered down✔️ not once!! 🚫, I also continue to invest into STEEM with small quantities using my own fiat currency✔️, your votes can help with this also. This essentially means that your votes are safe with me and help to retain STEEM's value, and since now being a "Top 300 Steem-Power Holder" it's beginning to count. Your votes may even help make it go higher in the future with plans for purchasing even more STEEM along the way. Last year on November 24th we totalled 15.000, then on Nov 7th we reached 25.000! And so if you want to help me on this quest for "locking away 30000 Steem Power" with the intention to support and retain more of it's value 👉 then please consider leaving your best vote below.


Here We Check December's #club5050 The Results In So Far For Christmas 2021.


Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

Secretly win a %70 Upvote with over 17700 SP From Me
You can win the Upvote by simply doing ALL 3 steps below..

  1. Upvote the post at %100
  2. Write on the comments box "Done"
  3. And finally answer the question- Will Steem go up or down within the next 22 hours?
    There will only be "one winner" any edited post are automatically disqualified, hurry you have 22 hours for placing your valid entry!


1Up Or Down Today 27122021.gif

Source: picgifs.com

Our Ship Is Now Quintuple Dolphin Powered 🏆

5 or 6 Times The Orginal Dolphin Power-giphy.gif

Source: giphy.com


author portfolioU4ZCp8uHZ93yF22p2ypNuVM78E04052018.jpg

So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly don't forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and if you want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me, not only me but also support the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down a single time in 5 years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Steem will go up

🏆 Winner

Steem is getting more expensive at the end of the year, your photos are very cool with friends.

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Since steem teaches us how to celebrate Christmas w/ steem that's why it will go up:)))

Steem will go up

Steem will go up.

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 56006.20
ETH 2375.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.33