Daily Steem Price Update 23/9/2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit2 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 23/9/2022.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for over 6 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 23/9/2022.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate23092022.jpg


Rewards for the winners could be slightly lower than usual as I exhausted the voting power from the account, the reason for this is to make sure it was not being wasted while I was away visiting my father. The idea behind this is so that sometime in the future the account can offer better rewards for everybody who wins upvotes. I did however expect to be a little more active on here during this whole trip but things don't always work out as planned. However this is because on my arrival visiting my father instead of having a 3 day break we went straight on a very long road trip. But back now from that insane road trip sadly the so called holidaying month of August is now far behind us but it did provide many of us with some great days for enjoying it's warmth. It was supposedly a happier time after the crippling covid pandemic but many couldn't agree because of the on-going war. It's a terrible moment in our history as Vladimir's army doesn't stall at the boarder, they instead attack, strike up fear, call treats and cast sadness into the lives of many. This is a war that if we are not too careful could just be what spells the beginning of the end. Best keep an eye on those politicians and refuse war at all costs as tensions towards America slowly arises. But September isn't bringing in anything better with now the weather slowly getting colder, our power and food supplies running lower. The cost of living is spiralling upwards hitting hard especially on those costs when it comes to those of us trying to keep warm. The cold is the sign or the excuse to bring back covid, it's supposedly on the rise in China as they put again a lockdown on millions of people, let us not fall for this nonsense again. Also we can't forget to mention that this month now marks the death of Queen Elisabeth II. A Queen who some say was more like the Queen of the world rather than purely the Queen of England. She died Sept 8th her coffin had been travelling all over the place for people to catch a quick glimpse of it. If not on the road the coffin was settled at specific key locations for mourners to come and visit the coffin paying their respects to the late Queen. The Queen has now been supposedly buried at the King George VI Memorial Chapel at the amazing Windsor Castle and where others can now visit her.

As for Steem I noticed that steemnow.com was strangely temporarily working but then suddenly stopped functioning again the following day. However steemd.com as still unfortunately been completely down. Are these sites in the hands of the SteemitTeam?❓ If anybody as any information on steemd.com especially let me know in the comments below and you can win an upvote from me. Steem took a big fall because of the bitcoin downwave from 60k, this sadly initially also took down the value of SBD's. This was expected to happen, but it's been mostly holding around that important $3 mark which is great. Still the effects of Bitcoin falling as made it so that a lot of cheap Steem suddenly became available and this as been catching my attention. With so much of it out there up for grabs I believe it makes it still a good time for me to buy some and so I continue to look at this as another situation of opportunity. That's what I like about Steem it still offers so much opportunity for those investors who realise the enrichment that comes from holding Steem. In one way I wanted the crypto market to remain on the lower scale for a bit longer before it's next bullrun. As like this it could still offer some amazing opportunities for some small ROI's on various cryptos, however there's no doubt it's already been going upwards. People were taking up these opportunities quicker than I expected, which is a shame as the little guys struggle to get their slice of the pie. Still the cryptos have fallen again giving other opportunities, but the end intensions of this trading continues to be on getting a little more Steem. The weather in September from the start as been cooler when compared to August and now I find it's getting just downright cold. Some days are already noticeably a little shorter, also those more gloomy type days have made their appearance. As for today I was in work for the afternoon shift again, which I haven been minding as they have given me some good opportunities for getting more done than I expected for the day as I have the morning completely free. This is of course only effective if I keep going and getting up at reasonable times which I have been lately. Still I did have to go in a little earlier but I didn't mind because this time it meant I would be out earlier which is good because i was in hope to catch tonight's online gaming session with friends. But this might not happen as I received news that one of my friends as badly damaged their hand due to some kind of domestic incident and will now be at the hospital. Hopefully it's not serious enough to get any nails removed which is what they are worried about. Since I was to leave work earlier I hoped to miss the extra work for later I actually didn't even expect there to be any but of course there was and in came in sooner that I hoped. But with not much time left I took it easy and still done some of it to give the guys later a chance of getting it completed today which I think they will as they got more help than I did.

Yesterday I did expect to get in the extra work and so it came, I expected it to be bigger than usual and I was also correct on that. But I thought it would of been fine considering all the extra help I got. However for whatever reason the team didn't seem interested it getting it completed for the day which was rather a little silly because what we left behind was kind of shameful. I also learnt from a colleague that apparently one of the teams had been punished from doing certain work because they had failed on a test. I find this a little extreme and silly because if they keep punishing people like this how are they suppose to learn from their mistakes? Plus we will be left with all useless staff who are not capable of doing the work when it's needed. I hope and assume this is only temporarily but colleagues told me it's already been a like a month where they haven't been allowed to do their usual work. I was actually surprised by the number of colleagues who noticed I was gone on holiday, I guess I didn't feel like it was that long. Apparently recruitment is still a on-going thing and I wondered if there would be any new faces on my return. Well the other day I saw we do have a new recruit, I noticed her as I was getting my updated briefing, hopefully she's a little more talkative than the last guy from the hood who I have not seen yet since my return. I was briefly introduced to her yesterday and saw her again today she already seems better than the previous recruit. Also I think I know why I never see any of this "recruitment" process being done anymore. I think this is sadly because recruitment is now being mostly all by phone which I feel kind of sucks compared to the old way of doing things, but ever since covid everything is now being done by phone or online these days.

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Also since votes don't always = $ and if you want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me, not only me but also support the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down a single time in 6 whole years.

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Steem will go up

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Hi @simonjay, thanks for the information to change TRON to STEEM.

Steem will go down.

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Crazy looking how much it went up in that first year. I’m glad to see more people finally coming back here again lately.

I think Steem will go up.

Hi ultravioletmag not sure if the comment was intended for me as it's posted under the italygame comment bot. Only just noticed the comment now but thought to reply just incase. Yea I remember those prices during it's first few years, it was definitely more volatile back in the day. I actually never left Steemit, I was told Hive got really centralized and strict with it's content and that strong bots were downvoting many veteran steemians. I haven't had any problems here and have managed to built up my SP.

Lol I can confirm that 🤣 I never rly left steemit either and was so relieved this controlling downvoters had moved on but everyone in my communities moved over sadly so I ended up here with only 2 c a post and no engagement lol I think lately it’s been building back up a bit! Hive was absolutely intolerable. A handful of whales flag people to zero there if they do a post on any slightly alternative news, post on steemit, they just think your over rewarded, you defend someone else getting downvoted, you have a second account even though they are allowed multiple and allowed to earn lots for a post of a twitter link 🤣 it is literally 1984 over there I call it big brother and the thought police. The only way to survive there is have no opinion, put bland comments, never ever ever speak up or express any kind of opinion that’s not in alignment with the thought police and be grateful and thank the whales if they downvote you. Wish I was joking but it’s actually truth lol they seem expect ppl to be grateful and not remotely complain for getting downvoted on mass to 0 rep. If small accounts downvote them with dust they end up getting rly angry tho lol. I did actually hear thetr ate only 20 k bloggers left there and 50 k are just spliterlands players.

I also like blurt there are no downvotes there so Altho steemit is fine now there is always some worry one day it can be abused again.

While there was some of that bullying going on during the Steemit early days it's been nothing compared to the grip they have over at hive.
When everybody started moving over to hive there was definitely a drop, this is because much of the money went over to hive but steadily people continued to flow into Steem, eventually people may learn there is much more freedom over here and perhaps Steem and freedom will get the better hand and get ahead of this price war. Wow that's really bad, there's still accounts on here who get paid a ton of money for a picture and a sentence but it doesn't bother me as much compared to the inner circle I have seen on the sister site. That's why I never understood it over there they claim to be decentralized which was one of the big appeals about Steemit in the first place yet they are worse than popular centralized platforms, I'm dumbfounded on how they cannot see that over there and claim to be very decentralized, everything they do there is centralized. Oh trust me I believe every word you say I have seen it myself and also experienced it very briefly, I heard many moved to blurt because of the nonsense there, however I have heard blurt is a very week coin with like only one option to take your earnings out?

Trust me I know, I knew about it very early on because when I joined in 2017 I was invited to a private chat group on Steemit chat it was full of the Whales at now make up OCD. Or some of them at least I saw them pick random Newbies from the chat and nuke them for fun to 0. They will try to give the impression they were helping new people join but instead they would just look at anything on their page that could possibly be an issue, like one pic from the internet and rather than point them in the right direction they would laugh about how to take them down to minus reputation and zero all their posts. They were responsible for absolutely loads of new people leaving back then. Of course because I didn’t go along with it and their ideas I got picked on and they put me in a private chat group and muted me and just took the piss out of me until I left. It was so childish and pathetic I couldn’t believe it. I’ve been down voted since for standing up for other people getting down voted and for posting on Steemit. I think to begin with I thought I could just try to avoid them but they became too powerful and they clearly joined up with some other people too and made hive absolutely intolerable. The only way you can go along there is by being a part of the thought police or pretending you’re part of the thought police. They even seem to have this idea that you can never cash out, even cashing out your own money seems to be against the rules LOL. I did actually question if the whole thing was run by the CIA to be honest with you and it’s a test run for a Big Brother type rule to see if people would go along with it or actually realise and stand up for themselves. It’s not looking that promising is it LOL?

I love blurt there’s a great community there , there’s lots of fights don’t get me wrong because everybody there is a freedom fighter with their own ideas on what freedom means but no one can down vote anybody so the most that happens is an argument or a mute. The price is quite low right now but in a way that’s a good thing because it could easily 10 times. I actually think it has a lot of potential and I really enjoy posting there. It’s probably the place I’ve made the most real connections as well that I would actually want to hang out with in real life and have a cocktail with. I can see that Steemit is picking back up a bit which is nice too. I think more and more people are realising they don’t want to be part of a Draconian system and there are other options.

You can use blurt on hive engine pro bit and Ionomy I like Ionomy personally because I find hive engine really difficult to use and quite bulky maybe it’s just the tech I’m using.

Wow I remember hearing of such a group long ago, especially that they were a group voting down not just the newbies but people who were starting to do generally well. What a shame as I know many left over the years because of such abuse and it's rather sad they picked on people who were using both platforms, many are just trying to make a living.
Holy smokes yes they did get powerful accounts I remember wondering how some of them had suddenly insane amounts of power on their accounts but I think they talked others into giving them such power "in the premises that it was the right thing to do for the platform".

I get what you mean about CIA but I don't think it is however you just never really know, at the end of the day how well did we really know some of these whales, but what's even worse is to get down-voted by the same people we met and even shared conversations and dinners with.

I understand your fear that such a thing could happen again, for example my worry is that someone else buys Steemit or takes over Justin and decides things have to be different again and those changes could be an attack on the freedom we have here at the moment.
It doesn't look good but I keep thinking surely at some point more and more people are going to realise what is going on at the sister site and either move back or leave.

I have heard mostly positive things from Blurt users so it's good to know, from what I have seen the price on Blurt as always been low, and since there is only upvoting and probably most people continuing to take money out id say it's perhaps going to be difficult to turn that around, from what I hear you can log in if you have a Steem account correct?

Yes like you I have always found hive engine a bit much as for Ionomy I'm guessing it's centralized and KYC is needed?

a lot of accounts on steemit early days were started way before the platform was started, so a lot of these accounts were set up this way and in the know long before steemit was steemit.

No I don't think I did kyc for ionomy.

yeah if your on steemit you'll have money on blurt at one point it was 3 c but there is a lot of drama as everyone a freedom fighter haha but I really like it I honestly have the most fun there of them all and if it ten times I will be good

Hi @simonjay,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using steem-fanbase.com.

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Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Steem will go up.

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