Daily Steem Price Update 13/6/2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit2 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 13/6/2022.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for over 5 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 13/6/2022.

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(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate13062022.jpg


Month of June and so we have reached the half way mark to yet another year way too quickly. Last month we hit locking away 35000 Steem however on one occasion when I was trying to add another 50 Steem something was playing up with Steemit.com, I couldn't do much of anything on here. I'm not sure if the cause regardless after the fix I was hoping this would sort out some of the issues with acquiring Steem. For example wallets working like in the Bittrex case, the trades that are shut down on crypto swapping websites or the liquidity pools not providing. I mean seriously I keep seeing Hive working perfectly fine on all these fronts with Steem on the other hand always being taken off and on, why is this?❓ We need to know what we can do or how to fix this as I feel this is making Steem lose out on buyers. When the site began working again these problems sadly still persisted, this is frustrating as it also adds more money loss on gas fees when purchasing Steem due to needing to do more trades. I noticed on June 3rd Steem was once again working on the swap exchange sites which means I was trying to get my hands on another 600 Steem. I started this a few days ago but yet again Steemit was down for most of the day, no idea why but at first all the pending TRX rewards were set to zero, luckily this was quickly fixed. Once the site was working I was hoping the 600 Steem would arrive but as yet i've received nothing.. it's never taken this long and it's getting a little worrying. So I got in contact with support and they said there is a problem with Steem's liquidity provider which I guess is something to do with Steem itself and not the exchange?❓ If anybody can confirm this in the comments you could win a upvote from me. I think it would be useful if the Steemit Team could warn us of such events as this can cause confusion and money loss for both investors and the Steem coin itself. I know for many it's also been upsetting to see the Steem price fall down, not only that but the mayhem that is yet another month of war going on in the streets of the Ukraine. Yes it still goes on after a 100+ days of blood, it's a sad moment in our history as Vladimir's army doesn't stall, they instead strike fear, call treats and cast sadness into the lives of many with this ongoing war.. a war that if we are not too careful could just be what spells the beginning of the end. Yes interestingly enough just as billionaire Soros talked about recently at the world economic forum.. oh that was surprising coming from him eh..

As for crypto we can see that Steem took a big fall but of course this is mostly because of the bitcoins downwave from 60k. Sadly this means it also took with it the value of SBD's, yes of course that was very much expected and I'm honestly surprised by how long it maintained such a high price. However we had an unexpected rise on June 5th taking SBD's to $5 and above, this obviously wouldn't hold and as now sadly fallen under that important $3 mark. Still seeing all that cheap Steem out there up for grabs as been catching my attention what sucks is some of the buying methods seem to continue down as I have not received my requested Steem yet. I will continue to look at it as another situation for opportunity because i'd say if your looking to get more Steem then this might still just be the best time we have had in a while to buy cheaper. It will be interesting to see what happens next with BTC as it's started to fall even below the 25k mark. The weather in June is a little more stabilised compared to the previous month, but while it's staying mostly warm we still get rain sometimes mostly at night. On the 2nd it turned very hot and unfortunately my hayfever had been triggered, this eased up after 3 days and started again, it's confusing like I passed a guy cutting grass the other day and felt fine until I got close to work, or on another occasion when on my way to work it was terrible but for the rest of the day it was fine, these things don't make sense. As for today I was in work for the late morning shift again my boss was hovering around with he's laptop near me but this time for not as long. Compared to yesterday the work was much less and so since yesterday I had not done much of the extra jobs I done more of them today then I usually do but that's it there is not much left to do on this project and for most of the week I have been working through it so it's about time someone else also does it and hopefully finishes the dam thing as this last bit seems to be dragging. Anyway I took a break from doing that and soon after the bigger work load came in which was unfortunately too early for me to escape it, I must of done between %25 to %35 of it before I was done. As I left I was surprised that my boss and superiors asked if my hayfever was better we then had a good discussion on the topic which is not something I usually do with them.

See yesterday doing the late morning shift as I made my way to work my eyes really started to feel the hayfever, I was glad it was mostly just my eyes because as I got in to work one of the superiors wanted to test my knowledge on a bunch of crap that mostly doesn't apply to me but they strangely insist on recording what we know. I got about half of it right but the questions just went on and on. Before she started the marathon of questions she did ask what was wrong with me? Which before I could even answer she asked if it was hayfever to which I said yes. Honestly when your more worried about trying to breathe and your eyes feel like they are on fire it's really not the best moment to be asking a ton of pointless questions but still I was glad when it was over. Not because it's out of the way but because strangely after about 10 minutes getting on with the job my symptoms cleared. What I found even more bizarre was that when I left work "since being outside I expected to suffer" again but no, apart from going into work I was mostly completely unaffected for the rest of the day. For the remainder of the shift I tried making notes for some of the questions she asked hopefully to do better next time, but it was busy and so this was difficult to multitask as I suddenly had a lot to do and then the bulk of the work arrived. Luckily by then I had made the notes I wanted.

When I started the day before guy who was there first was nowhere to be seen, I was just left with little notes about the things that had to be done lol. More than I expected so perhaps he left early in shame that he hadn't done much or maybe there was some kind of emergency. Still I understood what needed to be done and got on with it, however what I didn't like was how a superior came over to check that I had received the notes. In one way this at first glance is justified but it also isn't because she could of easily checked the system to see if it was updated. So she purposely went completely out of her way just to come and check up on me for no reason. Anyway just before I left on that day there was another incident, I could hear some shouting and screaming from outside, I couldn't see exactly what had happened so I was later told that someone had cut a queue somewhere and these 3 guys got into a fight. Their act this time happened in front of children who apparently got very scared by the incident and ran from their parents to hide. Two of the men were friends and one had the wife and two kids waiting in the car, when the 2 men returned to their family in the car after the fight the other guy who initially cause the fight was seen rushing into he's own car and chasing the 2 other guys, so what happened after that is not known but very worrisome. The other situation was also towards the end of my shift where a woman walked into our building and refused to get out. She eventually played the "not feeling well routine" so in the end the police who were originally called decided it would be best if the ambulance would just come to collect her instead. Honestly this made me even more mad because we all knew this woman was clearly faking being unwell the fact she was wasting emergency service time for people who are in real need just for attention is very selfish and sad.

I did heard of some "current" good news, I say current as this can easily change, but it's been said our competition who wants to buy us out of here is currently taking a hit on their profits. They firstly admitted that they are reconsidering the risk of buying us out, this is because secondly they just aren't making the money to be able to run their business once buying us off. While I find a few holes in this information it still offers the possibility that we can continue to run business for a little longer, but I wont hold my hopes up to high. On a previous day off my friends and I went to a event nearby town it ended up being a great day, the event was mostly families with their children, we enjoyed a few performances and some good food the atmosphere just made the whole thing very pleasant. 3 days later I heard of the same event but in another location were these idiots on TikTok were putting out treats to other teens and children that if they attend the event they better say goodbye to their parents and that they want all the young to turn up with knifes and guns for a fight...I mean seriously what are these people on??! On the night returning home I was a little shocked because as I spoke to a friend on the phone I was suddenly in a thick fog and couldn't see much. I started coughing and quickly could smell and realised that this "fog" was infact smoke. Once I managed to get out of the smoke as the wind was pushing it all in my direction I saw that some of the local yobs decided it would be fun to set fire the skate park across the road.. they must of spent the day collecting sticks, dry leaves and bushes from the rest of the park, luckily moments later I saw the fire truck heading towards the blaze and felt a little better that at least it was being dealt with. I feel a little sorry for my friend, today it's he's birthday today but he is feeling unwell so will be spending most of the day resting he said all he wanted for he's birthday today was some cake lol.

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Steem will go up

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Congrts cowboy good stuff.

Steem will go up

Steem will go up.

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Steem will go up

Steem will go up.

Steem will go up

Steem will go up

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 65885.06
ETH 3440.60
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65